Bad Lies & A Bad (Boy) Diversion

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Bad Lies & A Bad (Boy) Diversion


Was I crazy enough to go pound their doors down at midnight on a Friday night?

Yes. Yes, I was that crazy.

Possibly a little too crazy to do it in my pajamas and slippers, but I allowed myself just enough time to get my plush robe and put my hair up into a bun on top of my head. I glowered at my parents' empty bedroom as I passed it, doubting that they were on their weekly date.

They were conspiring against me along with everyone else. I just knew it.

"Liars," I muttered as I locked the front door and stomped over to my car.

Jarod's house was my first stop since he lived the closest to me. When I arrived, my finger hovered over the doorbell in hesitation. His mother was very sweet, but when someone made her angry, she was evil incarnate and his father was the only one who could tame the beast.

Accepting that her wrath was worth it to get some answers, I rang the doorbell and knocked on the door.

A few minutes of alternating between the two and the door finally burst open. I wasn't expecting it to be so sudden or to see Jarod's dad with a coat rack poised to strike his enemy.

I screamed and Jarod's dad screamed too, waving the coat rack around as I staggered back a few steps. When he realized I was more afraid than him, he stopped and squinted at me. Then he turned on the porch light, blinding the both of us for a few seconds.


"Mr. Yeong," I smiled widely, still blinking away the spots in my eyes. "Hello."

"What are you doing here so late?" His tired eyes took in my appearance and expression. "And why do you look like an escaped mental patient?"

My smile dropped and I scowled at him while shoving my hands into my fluffy pockets. "You don't look much better."

He looked down at his heart-eyes emoji pants and the black robe covering his torso. I wondered if he stole the pants from Jarod because I could have sworn I saw his son wearing them before, but maybe it was the other way around.

Running his fingers through his disheveled hair, he returned my scowl.

"I was in bed, not breaking someone's door down in the middle of the night!" Then he muttered, "Grinning like a psycho..."

At that, I cleared my throat and said more sheepishly, "Point taken. Is Jarod home?"

He yawned, putting the coat rack down in it's corner and picking up the fallen jackets. "He's asleep."

Liar. "Really?"

"I think I know where my own son is, Abby," he sighed.

I hummed as I glanced to the driveway and back at him. "Then where is his car?"

His eyes widened ever so slightly, but then he yawned a second time and scratched his head to—I assume—buy time to think of an excuse.

"It's in the garage."

"Uh huh," I nodded once, not buying it at all. "Well," I smiled again, "I'm sorry for waking you."

"It's alright. You can kick our door in anytime," he said, looking relieved that I was leaving.

We said good night and I drove over to Yvette's house next. It was much the same, but her family had a peephole in their door so they knew it was me before they opened it. They didn't even seem that surprised to see me, which I found strange and utterly suspicious.

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