You Make Me Very Happy

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I love sleep and reading. I mean, who doesn't? I usually read before I go to sleep every night also. I slowly fluttered my eyes open just to see darkness. What the? I sat up as a book fell off of my face. Then I saw the morning sunshine blind my eyes. I frowned. I kicked my legs off of the bed and looked at my clock. It was already noon. It was the second day of Christmas break so it will depend if my mom or dad is gone. At least I only went to school for a day, then got a break!

"Mom!? Dad!? Y'all home!?"

There was complete silence. I sighed and made my way down stairs. After I went into the kitchen, I saw a note in the whiteboard.

Your mom and I are off to work. After work we are going to go on a little date night. Love you and we will be home around midnight!


I smiled. Home alone? All day? Oh yes!

I ran toward the couch and jumped on it. Not like, jumping on your bed type of thing. Like, I put my butt on it because I'm not that active. I snatched up the remote and turned it on channel 14 news.

"A 15 year old girl has been missing for 3 weeks now. There's still no sign of her or the kidnapper. The parents and police are still looking. Back to you Rob" the reporter reported.

15 years old? That's really young. I hope she's still alive. And safe. It's crazy how lucky I am. Any day I could get swept off of the streets.

Speaking of how lucky I am, I need to go talk to Blake. I went upstairs and shut my door. When I opened up the chat site, I saw Blake was on.

Musicfreak97: wanna video chat?

Right after I sent it, a window that said he wanted to video chat popped up. I clicked the accept button. Then I remembered I wasn't dressed in real clothes. I was in my pj's. I moved away from the camera when his face popped up.

"Uh, Cathy?"

"Hold on! I'm still in my pajamas!"

He chuckled. "I don't care! Come here!"

"Okay, just let me brush my hair or something."

I grabbed a hair tie and put my hair up in a messy bun. I rushed to my desk and sat in the chair. When I got there he smiled.

"Wow, you look wonderful without makeup too." He complimented.

I didn't know what to say. Instead of me talking, he just continued.

"You make me so very happy Cathy... So very very happy. Do you want to know how happy you make me?"

The last sentence he said gave me chills. It wasn't sweet. It was more devilish than anything.

I gulped. "Well, I can see how happy you are now! You look very happy!"

He laughed. "Well, you make me a lot happier than that."

"How so?" I squeaked.

Of course he looked down at his pants. I gasped.

"Uh, you know what? I don't want to really, see....that." I said.

"All the girls do. Why don't you?"

"Because I... I just..."

He chuckled again. "You've never seen one?"

"Yeah! I have!"

He got furious. "Who!?"

"Uh, in my science textbook..."

He started busting out laughing.

"Do you want to see one?"

Mixed emotions started to flow through my body.

"Uh, how about we get to know each other more. Then we can move that way."

He sighed. "Fine. I just wanted to see your body today."

"Well, it's right here. You're looking at it."

"No I mean, nude body. I want to see all of your beauty."

I shivered at the thought of taking my clothes off with a guy watching. I mean, most 16 year olds would want to but, I really don't.

I sighed. "How about I will think about it either for an hour, or until tomorrow."

I looked at the time. 2:55 pm.

"Maybe tonight. My mom and dad aren't coming home until midnight."

Blake smiled. "Great. See you tonight!"

He clicked the 'end call' button.

I took a deep breath and went downstairs to get some leftover pizza from two nights ago. After eating the deliciousness of cold pizza, I sat on the couch to think about tonight.

My thoughts were everywhere.

Man up and do it!

What if it goes around school?

You'll be a total slut.

Then I finally made a decision. I went upstairs and turned on my computer. I clicked the call button. He answered.

"Did you make a decision?" He questioned.

I smiled. "Yeah. I did."

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