I Have To Pee

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"And what would you like my dear?"

I looked up from my menu and saw Blake smiling at me.

I sighed and looked at the waiter. "I'll have the chicken parmesan with a side of breadsticks."

The waiter jotted the order on his notepad and looked at us with a smile.

"It should be out in a bit!" He said with a smile, taking our menus with him.

I grasped my glass and took a sip of my iced sweet tea. Blake and I just sat there in silence.

"So, uh-"

"Shut up." Blake snapped.

I pressed my lips together and started to look around the room.

"Did I do something?" I asked in an irritated manner.

Blake sighed.

I saw the waiter come towards our table moments later with our food. I smiled as he set a plate of chicken Parmesan in front of me. I grabbed my fork and started to dig in.

Blake didn't get anything to eat for some reason. He said he'll get his fill of something later. All I did was shrug to that comment.

I wiped my lips with the napkin and looked at Blake.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

I nodded.

I got up and sort of stumbled in my heels. Blake grasped my hand as we made our way to the elevator.

We got to our room and I sat on the couch. I pulled the heels off and threw them on the floor. I laid down and closed my eyes. As I was about to dose off, I felt a pair of lips touch mine. It was gentle at first. I didn't bother to open my eyes. I just glided my hand up to Blake's neck and pulled him closer.

You may think I'm stupid for doing that, but I knew if I didn't, I'd get some type of punishment.

A gentle kiss turned into something more aggressive. Blake started to get more on top of me, I just laid all the way down. He pulled away and smiled. He examined my body and put his hands on the top of my dress and started to pull down.

I blinked. "Blake?"

He looked at me.

I swallowed. "Maybe we should do this in a more, uh, comfy area? And I need to, uh, pee."

He got off and ran to the bed. When he got on, he grabbed something from his pocket. All I did was scurry to the bathroom. I was in there for about 15 minutes. I walked out to see Blake on the bed, shirtless. Only wearing boxers as well. I walked over to the bed and sat down with precaution.

As soon as I sat down, he started to kiss me. Just like the time before, I started to kiss back. He played with the ruffles of my dress, soon trying to pull it off. I pulled away.

"What's wrong sweetie?" He questioned.

"Nothing. Could we just do this another day. I'm just, uh, tired."

He sighed. "Yeah I guess. I was already turned on. And I had protection ready."

"Sorry. "

I didn't even take a shower that night. I just threw in Blake's t-shirt and my underwear. I crawled in bed beside Blake. All I felt was a hand slither across me and pulled me closer. His body heat felt so comfy. Within minutes I fell asleep.

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