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My best friend Krista has this other friend. Her name is Aria. And I really shouldn't be thinking about her this way.

I just can't fucking help it. She draws me in, I'm so interested in her. I notice every little thing she does and why she does it and I've become infatuated with this girl.

I've tried ignoring my perverted thoughts when I'm around her but there is honestly no point. It's also pretty convenient that she's Kristas roommate, I get to see her pretty often. I grab my sun glasses before heading out the door and driving to wherever I'm supposed to meet Krista.

I walk into the restaurant and instantly see her in a white skirt and a light pink button shirt tied to where I can see some of her midriff. Holy fuck.

When I walk over to them, krista is the first one to see me

"holtz!" she smiles and gives me a hug

I look over at Aria and see her smiling at me, her brown hair barely touching her shoulders.

"hey" Aria says and goes on her tip toes to wrap her arms around my neck and bring me into a hug.

I try not to think about our bodies touching or the way her hands are holding me and just imagine like it's anyone else.

She lets go of the hug awkwardly and I wonder if I made her uncomfortable. I didn't really do anything expect hug her back.

Krista is talking to someone on the phone as we wait in line and Aria and I are just standing here in silence. She's been pretending to look through the menu for the past 5 minutes. Is she trying to avoid me?

I look over to her and notice that the collar of her shirt is crooked. Without another word I bring my hands up to her neck and fix it for her. I probably spent more time fixing it that's I should have, but I'm honestly just looking for excuses to touch her.

Her big eyes look up at me and then she deviates her attention to other places to avoid eye contact. Are her cheeks turning pink ? Holy shit did I just make her blush ?

"thank you" she smiles kind of awkwardly and looks away

She quickly opens up the menu to keep pretending to not know what she wants and divert her gaze elsewhere. I can't help but chuckle at her. She's so shy.

"Oh my god, Ashley and Sara are finally getting here they were so lost" says Kristen rolling here eyes "sorry about that"

"it's alright" I smile

Within a few minutes we have been seated and Ashley and Sara arrived. We get settled into a booth and order our drinks.

"guys I missed you so much! Tell me everything that has happened I need to catch up from everything I've missed" says Ashley

"krista are you still with Damon?" she asks

"yep still together"

"what about you Aria? Still with Jake?"

"Jack? Yes"

"nice" ashley smiles "Holtzmann??"


Once I say that Aria looks at me questioningly.

"awe why?" Ashley asks

"Uhh I dunno I guess it hasn't been a priority lately" I say

Aria keeps her eyes on me but looks away once I look back at her. What is it with this girl and eye contact?

"you'll find someone eventually" smiles Ashley reassuringly

R.I.P. My Holtzmann HeartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora