no worries

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*continuation of "unforgettable" *


"hey are you cool if I invite someone over tonight to watch a movie or something" emily asks

"Sure" I shrug "I'll probably be in my room the whole time"

"that's fine" she says

She's used to me being antisocial by now. It's not that I'm shy or anything, I just like being by myself. A lot.

Also her friends are all really annoying.

"Whatever you put in the microwave is ready by the way" she says


I run over and joy fills within me when I see the glorious steaming cup. I turn on the tv in the living room while I still have time and start watching game of thrones.

"how can you just watch that so casually while you eat?" she asks with a disgusted look when she sees the bleeding man on the tv

"...because I'm eating ramen not that man" I mumble with a mouth full of noodles

"I wish I could eat that man" she smirks as she stares at him

"ew" I mumble

"why is everyone on this show so hot? I'd gladly have an orgy with all the characters" She says sitting next to me now suddenly interested in the show

"trust me, you wouldn't" I say

I finish my ramen and the episode resulting in a happy Kate.

"Ok well your friend should be arriving soon so I'm just going to mozy on down to my room and stay there all night"

"have fun"

"will do"

I lay on my bed, and pick up a book that I started a few days ago. My bladder tells me that I should probably go to the bathroom but I'm holding it in because the story is finally getting good. I read as much as I can but my bladder literally starts to hurt so I groan in frustration and decide to put the book down. I tiptoe out my room and try to go unnoticed so I won't have to socialize with anyone.

Once I have successfully relieved myself, I realize that I'm kind of hungry. Shit. I'm going to have to go out there. I LITERALLY JUST ATE WHY AM I LIKE THIS.

Whatever it's fine, I'll just simply wave hi to her friend and casually go back to my room. Let's hope they don't try to start a conversation with me.

I walk out to the living room and notice that it's empty. They're probably in Emily's room or something.

I stroll over to the kitchen quietly humming to myself and nearly shit myself when I see Emily looking in the fridge and Audrey sitting on a counter on her phone playfully dangling her legs.

Audrey looks up from her phone and she chuckles a little when she sees my expression.

"hi" she cheerfully says

Emily pokes her head out from behind the fridge door to see who she's talking to. She quickly averts her attention back to food when she sees its just me.

"hey" I say trying not to sound too affected by seeing her in my apartment all of a sudden

She smiles after playfully blowing a kiss my way and my heart nearly fucking stops with how cute she's being. Why is she flirting me when Emily could see us. Does she not care if emily finds out. WAIT DOES EMILY ALREADY KNOW?

R.I.P. My Holtzmann HeartWhere stories live. Discover now