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We finally arrive to the pizza restaurant that we decided and jumped out of the car. Me and Taylor have come to this restaurant ever since I can remember, even the manager and some employees knew us.

Almost everytime we came here it would be half empty and we would wait until everyone left so that we could change the jukebox to an old song and blast it throughout the place, while helping out with the cleaning.

We get a free pizza every Christmas because the manager, Joe, calls us his little angles.

Me and Taylor jolt up to the main entrance as soon as we get out of the car and go to our normal booth in the back.

We already have our order ready by the time Austin comes in, unfortunately as soon as he came close to the table my bladder decided to take control and i had to pee like a motherfucker.

I bolted out of my seat and ran to the bathroom, as I was washing my hands I looked at myself in the mirror.

I didn't know who I was anymore, I used to be this sweet little teenager who never even toughht of breaking a single rule. And now look, im doing sexual things with my bestfriends dad.

I promised myself I would never become that girl. The girl who breaks one rule then ends up becoming a bad girl, who breaks every rule. I promised that i wouldn't betray who I really am, that I would stay true to myself.

But look at me now, keeping secrets from a person who has been there my whole life, and keeping a secret with someone else who has been there my whole life and basically raised me.

I shrug off all the bad thoughts and just deal with the fact that im getting older and im becoming attracted to older guys.

I pull off a paper towel and dry my hands, walk out of the bathroom, then take my seat back into the booth.

"You ok? You were in there for a while and you ran like it was an emergency." Austin asked worridely.

"Im fine I just had to pee really bad and I ended up getting water on my shirt so I tried to dry it with a napkin." I lied. I can't just tell them that I was thinking about me and Austin's little secret.

I looked down and saw that our pizza was here and I got overly excited.

After about an hour we were all full and tired so we skipped out on staying until later and just went back to Taylor's house.

Me and Taylor went straight up to her room and plopped down on any close object. I ended up on her bed and she ended up on her couch. I groaned as I rubbed my stomach, I don't remember being this full last time we went there and I barley ate that much this time.

I think it has something to do with the guilt that has built up inside of me for keeping a secret this big from Taylor.

"I feel like im gonna give birth to a food baby." I whined

"Im having twins." Taylor did the same. We both laughed at our stupidity and went to shower and change. Taylor took her bathroom while I headed to the guest room with a big white t shirt in my hand.

Before I could reach the end of the hall where the guest room was I felt big hands wrap around my waist and pulling me into their chest.

I smiled as I figured it was Austin and turned around, still being wrapped in his arms.

"Where's Taylor?" he questioned, moving his hands lower until the rested on my ass.

"In the shower." I grinned at him.

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