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I rinsed my face with some water, trying to feel less disgusted. Jared has been constantly flirting with me all night and I honestly just wanted to leave.

Garret has paid no attention to anything and has been stuffing his face with pizza, and Taylor has been trying to get jared's attention.

I think she even noticed that he winked at me earlier but decided to stay silent about it.

I wish she would just realize that he's just a player and only wants to get in her pants.

I walk out of the bathroom and go back to the booth. I looked up at the screen and saw that my name was highlighted, meaning it was my turn to go up.

"Need any help there?" I heard from behind me.

"Trust me, she's got it. She used to be on the bowling team in either grade" Taylor answered for me. I didn't want my best friend to get played.

So after it was my turn, I sat down next to Jared while Taylor went up for her turn.

"Listen, you're not going anywhere near my best friend after tonight" I growled at him.

"Want me all to yourself I see" he smirked, moving his hand up my leg.

"Not exactly" I hissed, bawling up my fist and smashing it against his dick.

"Stay away. Got it" he nodded while holding his crotch and groaning.


"Yes! Looks like I won" Taylor cheered in victory.

"Yay, can we go home now?" I fake smiled.

"Alright, alright" she walked over to grab her clutch, asking Jared if he was ok.

"I'm fine, just have a really bad stomach ache. I think garret and I should head out."

I felt bad as I saw Taylor's sad expression but I knew I was doing the right thing.

"O-ok. Call me then" she hugged him while he stood up and left.

"He's not going to call me, is he?" She walked over to me, leaning against as I wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

"I don't think so, but who needs a kid who can't take a punch to the balls anyway" I shrug, forgetting that she was unaware that I did that.


"Oh look, ice cream"

After we ate our ice cream, we drove back to our houses, getting ready for the schools day tomorrow.

Before I could lay down though, my phone started buzzing.


"A double date? Seriously?" I heard Austin's voice come through the phone, laced with anger.

"Look, it's a long story that I don't feel like explaining tonight"

"Let me guess, Taylor was going on a date and he wanted to bring a friend so she invited you as well?" My eyes widen.

"Did she tell you?"

"No, I just know how things work. You wouldn't go on a double date willingly when you have me" I could just imagine him smirking his ass off as he said this.

"Shut up" I roll my eyes, smiling.

"I want to go out somewhere this weekend. Maybe out of town for a little while, at night" I swear this guy knew me so well.

"I would love that. But I have to go to sleep now, some of us have to wake up early for school."

"And some of us have to sleep in all day for their day off" his voice just manages to make me smile all the time.

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