Chapter 8

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I slowly come back into the real world from my dreamless sleep. The sunlight blinds me even through closed eyes. I moan and turn on my tummy to bury my face in the soft pillow. Come to think  of it my bed was never this comfortable. This bed was like sleeping on a cloud, lucky me I thought and smile to my self.  Thats when I here that ohh so sexy sounding chuckle, the one that belongs to the devil himself. That's when all of the previous events of the night before came flooding back to me.

I shoot up from the bed in a panic and grab the thing closest to me as a weapon and it just so happens to be a pillow, just great.  I search the room frantically with me hair all over my face until my gaze lands on the sexy Greek God himself, sitting in a black leather chair facing the bed with his ankle over his knee, just smirking not smiling smirking at me. "Good morning kitten" Damian breaks the deadly science. "W what... How did I get here, w where a am I" I stutter out.
"You my little curious kitten are in  our room, in our house" he stated confidently. I just stared at him in complete shock. "What do you mean 'ours' "I asked "what I mean by 'ours' is you and me 'together' sharing the same room, living in the same house FOREVER!". Now I'm am completely horrified I don't want to be anywhere near this maniac, let alone live with him, Hell to the no!! 

"Who the hell do you think you are uhh!! No way in hell am I living with your arrogant ass. I have a life and you just can't come into it and take me away. I have friends and family I need." I get off the bed and storm over to him and  look him dead in the eye. "And you mister, what makes you think you have the right uh the right to think that you can claim a person as yours. Well let me tell you honey you can't the world doesn't work like that. So unless you show me out of this god forsaken house I-" I was cut off by his very annoying but extremely sexy voice. " I think your finished now love" he raises a perfect eyebrow at me. " actually no I wasn't, until you rude ass-" I almost screamed in frustration when he stopped me AGAIN. "I think you are. So unless you want to be punished, I would suggest you sit that perfect ass of yours on the bed NOW!!" Damian said with deadly calm.  I was fuming mad, but decided against arguing with him and hearing what his sorry ass had to say.

Once I was seated with my arms crossed over my chest, he strode towards me and stopped right I front of me. "Now for the rules kitten" he said, my breathing came in harsher pants. Just stay calm Ali just stay calm and wait for the right moment I thought over and over in my head. "1. If I want you to do something you do it. 2. You are to obey me at every minute from when you wake up to when you go to sleep. 3. You are to look at no other man than me or even say there names or think about then. 4. You are to become the perfect little wife for me, and bear my children. 4. You-"  that's it, I can't take anymore, so with that thought I shot my foot out and kicked him where the sun don't shine then once he crumpled to his knees I gave him a nice right hook followed by a upper cut. Once he was lying on the ground in pain I put my foot on his ribs and pressed and said "Now you listen here and you listen good. I am not a dog you can put on a leash I am a person and I will not and will never be tied down to a self centered, heartless, arrogant prick like you self. I don't love you nor will I ever, so now I'm going to leave and if you lucky I won't tell the police. Now good day mister Damian Knight." With my speech over I rushed out the room and into the hall way. 

Woah I can't believe I just did that to mafia leader Damian Knight go girl I thought but was secretly freaking out. The hall way was filled with doors some  locked some not. I know I was wasting time going through every single door. I could hear Damian screaming orders at someone about me but I didn't want to find out and took my next left, which so happened to be a kitchen thank the Gods I mentally screamed. I grabbed a butcher knife and a set of car keys I saw lying around on the beach, stupid fuckers I thought. I was in compete commando mode, I was hiding behind a wall when I saw a group of armed men walk out from a room witch can only be mistaken for a garage, jackpot I smirked to myself but was cut off from my thoughts by the devil calling well rather screaming my name "ALI YOU BETTER GET YOUR ASS TO ME THIS SECOND OR YOUR PUNISHMENT WILL BE TEN TIMES AS WORSE!!"

Ohh shit well thats my time  to leave. I rush over to the door in a slight crouch and slowly peel the door open. Once I see the cost is clear I go in and as quietly as I can close the door. "Holy shit, this guy must be mega rich" I whisper. There must of been 30 cars in this garage. 30 cars, 1 set of keys well I'm fucked. I click the unlock button on the set of keys and wait for any lights to come on and just my luck it's on the other side of the room great just wonderful. I sprint over to the other side, toward the car, I open the door only to have it slammed shut and my front pushed onto the side of the door.

The room is dead silent only our breathing is heard. My back is pressed against his front with one are around my waist while the other is on my neck. I can feel the thump of his heart and I 100% sure he can feel my pulse going 200 kilometers a second. But his next words have my body shivering with excitement while the back hairs on my neck stand up with fear. "I am so going to enjoy punishing you, my little kitten" he chuckled into the dime light of the room and I know I am so dead.

Hello everyone, another update I hope you like it. If you do please vote and comment I love reading them. Also thanks to everyone who is reading. Love you all xx

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