Chapter 13

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I haven't seen Damian for a week, a whole freaking week. I know he is  angry but shouldn't i be the one angry at him after all he was the one who kissed me. I've spent the week working and helping Ali around, she even let me come food shopping with her which even though it might not seem like a big deal to anyone else, it was a fucking blessing to get out of this godforsaken house. Right now i'm helping one of the maids with the laundry because i'm bored out of my mind. "Thanks Jess for your help, you can head to the cottage now its almost 6:00 pm" i smile at her once we put all the washing away. "Yes ma'am have a good evening" Jess waves as she heads out the back door, "You too." i shout back before she closes the door.  We aren't having a dinner tonight because all the men are out on a 'mission' supposedly, but i'm not complaining because  it basically means i have the whole house to my self apart from Ali and a few guards. 

After making myself a microwave mac and cheese i wounder around the house going through every door i find and i soon wonder to the second floor and find the  theatre room, "Sweet!" i mumble with a mouthful of mac and cheese. I walk through the dimly lit room, in search of any movies i can watch and i find i whole bookshelf of them from latest releases to old releases. I even find 50 shades of grey "What the actual hell" i say "Who the hell watches this shit"  i put the movie back in its spot and continue my search, i finally settle on the latest movie of the fantastic spider man,  " NOOO, hurry up you useless spider guy save her she's  falling" i scream at the TV as i clutch  a pillow to my chest, " NOOOOOO GWEN DON'T DIE" i cry into the pillow as i look at Gwen's lifeless body. i cant believe she died shes like the main character, why oh why Gwen. I must off dozed off during the last 10 minutes of the movie because when i woke up the room was pitch black and the digital clock on the wall showed 1:08 AM, "Well looks like its time for bed Ali" i say to myself as i rub my tired eyes. 

As i walk through the empty,could and dark halls of the devil's mansion i cant help but check out the library on my way to my room.  I open the big doors with a slight creek and shuffle my way inside, the only source of light is the full moon shining through the massive widows.  I take my time going trough the books, my fingers ghosting over the book spines and i finally settle on a old book called 'the Boy inside the Man' i cant help but laugh at the title. As i close the library door  with my book tightly tucked under my arm,  i cant help but let out a startled gasp at the sound of something shattering followed by the sound of a feminine giggle "Opps, my bad" the voice says, "Don't worry about it the maids will clean it up in the morning." says the deep voice i know oh so well.  " That son of a bitch, he seriously cant keep his dick in his pants even if it saved his life" i whisper angrily, part of me felt betrayed, sad, jealous,  angry and the worst part is we're not even in a relationship.     

Once i heard the door close i walked around the corner and sure enough there on the ground was a shattered vase. I tried walking calmly past the room without ripping the door off its hinges and chopping that girls head of and making Damian eat it, but as soon as i heard that bitches moan i completely lost my shit. I turned on my heel and barged on into that room not caring that there both naked in front of my eyes and i started screaming my head of. " WHAT THE FUCK DAMIAN?" I shout " HOW COULD YOU DO THIS, YOU LEAVE ME FOR A WEEK WITHOUT A NOTE NO NOTHING AND I FIND YOU IN BED WITH ANOTHER WOMEN, HUH WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE??" by now the both are looking at me like i'm a crazy women and i'm not even thinking about what i'm saying the words just flow out me like i'm a fucking pregnant women whose deprived of chocolate. "WHO EVEN IN THIS BITCH HUH? YOUR GIRLFRIEND? YOUR SIDE HOE? " I rage at him, that's when i hear the sickly sweet voice belonging to his bitch, " actually i am his girlfriend, who the fuck are you?"  she says " WHO THE FUCK AM I, WELL LET ME TELL YOU SWEETHEART, FUCKFACE OVER HERE STALKED AND KIDNAPPED ME JUST BECAUSE I DIDN'T WANT TO GO ON A DATE WITH HIM AND TO TOP IT ALL OF HE'S MAKING ME MARRY HIM, SO TO YOU I'M HIS WIFE!!"  I take i massive breath after i finish my rant, Damian seems beyond surprised at my outburst and just stares at me with wide eyes and i can tell he's trying to fight off a smirk but i turn my attention back to the bitch in his bed. She turns to him and touches him arm while saying in a baby voice "is that true Damian baby?" i can fell my eyes twitch when she calls him baby but maintain my composure, Damian doesn't take his eyes off me as he says "Yes Shelby, your just a good fuck this didn't mean anything. Ali here is my to-be-bride" he smirks and i can tell he want a reaction and i'm gonna give him one "THAT'S IT I DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOUR ANNOYING ASS VOICES ANYMORE SO SHUT THE FUCK UP" as i say this i make my way over to where that bitch is lying and grab a fistful of her hair and drag her out the room  and into the hallway not caring that she's butt naked. 

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