Chapter 11

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I woke up to an empty, cold bed to which I am thankful for. I stretch me body and groan into the pillow and I just lay there thinking about what has happened over the last week or so, I am both mentally and physically drained, I will never get to hear or see my parents again, never get to finish Uni or go travelling. My head is spinning and I don't know who long I can do this, I have to leave, to escape this hell, even if it's just for a day just to see my family's face again.

My thoughts are interrupted with the bedroom door slamming open to reveal a sexy looking Damian with at plate in hand. "Wake up sweetheart, where going shopping!!" He says as he places the food on my lap. "What.why?? Can't Rose take me instead?" I whine. "Stop complaining Ali it's not very ladylike, Rose can't take you because she is busy and I am taking you so I can help you with your wardrobe. Now hurry up eat then get dressed, I am on a tight schedule." With that he strode out the room. I quickly ate my breakfast and then hopped in the shower for the quickest shower of my life, once I was done I walked to the bedroom and find some clothes on the bed with a note that said 'meet me downstairs in 10, D'  I put the clothes on which consisted of black skinny jeans and a blue top, with brown sandals. Once I was dressed I made my way downstairs, but not before passing the kitchen and grabbing an apple.

I found Damian at the entrance of the house tapping his foot impatiently, when he sees me he opens the door mumbling a 'finally' and I just smiled at him and took a bite of my apple. "You just ate kitten, do you really need that apple?" He sighed " why yes I do, now if you Royal high-ass is ready can we go, I'm sick of waiting!!" I said annoyed and Damian just raised his eyebrows at me before walking ahead, as I took my last bite of me apple I chucked it at his head hitting him right in the middle of the back of his head. He stopped walking and I could tell he was pissed but i  just gave him my most innocent smile before saying "I told you I needed that apple." Then I walked towards the car. He looked in complete shock, before his stone cold expression made its way back onto his face and I just gave him a smug look before getting into the black jeep.

The tension in the car was extremely high, i occupied myself with looking  out the window  but soon found myself extremely bored. The silence was very uncomfortable and i found myself fidgeting in my seat, it  wasn't until i felt Damian's hand on my thigh did i stop moving. "What are you doing?, get your hand of my thigh NOW!" i screeched at him, he just turned to me and moved his hand higher up my leg and smirked. i tried moving his hand but each time i did he would put it back and move it that little bit higher. Eventually i gave up and crossed my arms over my chest and gave and annoyed sigh. The car ride was about 45 minutes, 45 minutes of pure and utter hell it would either be me yelling or cussing at Damian or him laughing and smirking at me.

Once he parked i jumped out of the jeep and ran to the entrance trying to loose him but the fucking basted is quick, he soon caught up to me and grabbed my hand in a firm yet gentle grip and i couldn't help the goosebumps i got from the tingles i got from him holding my hand. "Ah ah kitten not so fast, remember we are doing this together." he whispered in my ear, i just rolled my eyes at him and groaned in frustration. He led me to a store with sold all your shampoos, conditioners, body wash, deodorant and lady products like shavers, pads, tampons and make-up. Over all we spent about $200 and i mean he brought the most expensive stuff he even choose what shavers i should have and what pads and tampons i need, like who spends $50 on a ten pack of tampons i thought  to myself.

About 3 hours later i had pretty much the whole mall in my bags, Damian wasn't kidding when he said 'a whole knew wardrobe' we went to about 50 different shops and brought thousands of dollars worth of clothes. i had jumpers, jackets, sweaters, t shirts, singlets, tank tops, jeans, leggings, skirts and i had four different types of dresses cocktail, summer, ball gown and formal. i mean who needs that many dresses, he was so picky too every time i would pick a dress or any piece of clothing he would say 'no' or 'shows to much skin' or 'shows to little skin'.Now i only have one thing left, undergarments. I've been trying to avoid this all day but i know Damian can't wait, we are walking to our final destination and i am sweating like a pig and my nerves are on edge.We walk into Victoria secret and Damian walked straight to the lingerie section and starts picking out all these outrageous bras, underwear and nightwear, he then puts all the bras and underwear he likes in the basket, how does he even know my size i wounder. So focused on my thoughts i done realise he is talking to me. "Ali put these on and then come and show me." Damian says as he hands me the night gowns, i grab them reluctantly and say to myself 'then sooner i get this done the sooner i can go to bed'.

One by one i put them on and go and show Damian and he either gives me a nod showing he liked it or a shake of his head. Damian's liked 6 out of his 9 choices, only one more I thought then I can go to bed YAY! This last one I have to say I quite liked myself, it was a maroon nightdress with lace everywhere apart from my important bits, a 'V' shape on the back so most of my back was showing and it ended mid thigh so it wasn't too short or too long. Once I have it on I study myself in the mirror an I suddenly feel very self conscious ad my mind starts to wonder what if Damian doesn't like it? What if he thinks I look fat? Omg I look fat don't I. What the hell Ali, why do you care what he thinks? Get a hold of your self woman, you have to be strong if you want to survive this thing alive   I mentally scold myself. I take a calming breath and unlock the door before slowly walking out to the viewing area.

I see Damian in a lounge chair with a glass of whisky on hand. Once he sees me he completely freezes and I do as well. After a minute or two he takes the last sip of his drink, before slowly rising from his chair and making his way to me. Once he's a couple feet from me he stops and traces his finger on my cheeks. "So beautiful and all mine" he mumbles, my pulse spikes up again when he starts to walk around me in slow circles while tracing a finger around my bear skin. After a while he stopped behind my back and I gave a slight scream when I felt him take my hair tie out letting my waist long hair fall in its natural blonde waves down my back. I'm not sure what to do so I just stand there until my feet hurt and I'm freezing to death,  I mean I've let him look at me for hours on end and all I want it to go to bed. But that might have been the biggest mistake of my like because the look in his eyes could make and grown man pee his pants and I sure as hell what not expecting what would happen next .......

Hello everyone, I know it's short but next chapter will be longer. so I left it on a cliffhanger but don't worry because I am starting  the next update now so you will have it within the next 5 days or so. If you like this chapter please vote and comment they mean the world  to me, so until next time xxx 

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