Chapter 17

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It's been two weeks.

Two weeks of fucking hell. No  shower, no warm food just bread and water. The guards would let Ali in three times a day to feed me and help me with the bathroom and still i have lost a great deal of weight according to Ali. 

I haven't seen him , not a glance  and i hated to admit it but i missed him

I missed his smell, his eyes, his voice, his tattoo's, they way he walks with so much arrogance and power. I know this is what he wants but i cant help it, Damian Knight is embedded on my heart, soul and mind, and as hard as i try i always find myself thinking of him and they way he makes me feel. Ahhh stop Ali, he put you in this hell hole, i scold myself. I've had to much time to myself, my mind wonders  on it's own always focusing on Damian ever minute of the god forsaken day and its driving me crazy, i need to get out of here and fast, any longer is this dark cell with my mind i will be insane.

It seems luck is on my side today, the cell door opens and i'm blinded by light for a couple minutes. I squint my eyes open and see a tall and strong figure making their way towards me, looking like an angel " Are you an Angel?" i ask my voice rough and dry from lack of talking. The Angel like figure laughs a hearty laugh making his broad shoulders shake  " No my sweet little kitten, i'm the devil" he says and i recognise his voice instantly, making a excited yet fearful shiver rock my spine. My eyes have now fully adjusted to the light and now i see him clearly, he looks just as good as last time i saw him. He's wearing a navy suit which outlines his muscles well, his hair is in that ( i just woke up) style making him look incredibly hot and his face is clean shaven, the complete opposite to me. I can just imagine how i look scrawny, dirty, my skin pale and my hair a mess.

I give him my death glare as i ask him " What do you want my Love" i spit out, Damian walks closer and gives me a predatory smirk " I came to see how you are fairing my pretty little wife"  he says as walks around me in slow circles stopping when he is behind me. "In need of a bath i see" he says mockingly as he picks up a piece of my greasy hair "No thanks to you" i snarl back, Damian chuckles at my response  causing my back to vibrate at his closeness. "It seems, my effort to contain your fire has not succeeded, but don't worry its one i the things i love most about you. It would be a shame if it burnt out this early into our relationship" he breaths in my ear." GO TO HELL" i say as i try to move out of his embrace, which is practically useless since i have chains holding me in place. " Don't worry i will right after i drag you down to hell with me" he whispers in my right ear before kissing my ear lobe. Damian then walks around to face me before speaking. " Now on to the real reason I've come here, Ali i took you over two months ago with the intention of making you my wife and i was hoping that with time you would look passed who i am and fall in love to me and from there i could propose and we could plan the wedding like the happy couple we are but you have be to disobedient and always testing my patience so i have had to punish you to put you in your place and yet your still as defiant as ever. So i thought to my self how can i get you to love me then i came up with this plan and well you might not know it now but its worked." Damian walks closer to me when each word he says until his body is touching mine and my face is in his hands. His eyes staring into my soul and his minty breath on my lips. The only sound in the room is my chains rattling. "No" i pathetically whisper to him, " Yes Ali it's time you truly become mine all you have to do is let go" he whispers just as quietly to me. Damian unlocks my chains and gives my forehead a soft peck before leaving the room.

I fall to the ground with tears streaming down my face, my body shaking from fear and rocking for the force of my sobs but not because i was scared of Damian no it was because when he told me his plan had worked i new it was true and a huge part of me felt relieved and finally at ease. And so i let go, let go of everything that is holding me back from finding love.

That's when I new Damian Knight has broken me, that i was completely and utterly in love with my kidnapper and i wasn't going to do anything to stop it because i liked it. I liked it when he was rough with me, when he punished me but i also liked it when he held me and loved me gently. I was like that for 10 minutes maybe and hour i don't know how long thinking about what is his plan was and what i was doing and that's when i figured it out. This is his plan, he wanted me to end up like this, he put all these things in motion, all the punishments, fights and good times. He was right, Damian Knight is smarter than i give him credit for. He broke me in all the right places then slowly put the pieces back together modelling me to be the perfect partner for him and it worked. I now fully understood, who Damian was and who i am to Damian. I am his, his possession, his obsession, his lover, his prey and his wife. But most importantly, the aim of his plan, Damian Knight, is mine, my possession, my obsession, my lover, my predator and my one and only husband.

I am His Angel and he is My Devil.

Till death do us part.


Hi guys so, i know this chapter is short but this is one of the final chapters to my story. I will be starting a new story completely different to this so keep your eye for my next story. There will be a next update for His Angel, Her Devil and that will be the final chapter. I know this story didn't really have lots of gang violence and that because i didn't want it to, i just wanted this to be a messed up love story and that is what i have accomplished i believe. So stay tuned for the next update which will be soon hopefully. Keep voting and commenting it means a lot and i love reading you comments. Thanks so much i have much love for all my readers so keep it up,until next time xxx

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