Chapter 16

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The drive home was uneventful and deadly silent, I didn't even dare breath. Damian had a possessive on my thigh every couple of minutes giving it a HARD squeeze, making me squirm in my chair. I know moving his hand will anger him even more than he already is and frankly by the way he is gripping the steering wheel I would rather not make it worse.

When I finally see the house come in view I give a silent thank you to God. I mean there's no way he can punish me when I did nothing wrong, all I want to do is get out of this dress and go to bed, is it to much to ask. I mean c'mon lord have mercy. When the car finally stops i make a move to get out but Damian says in a harsh tone "Don't move" i look at him confused as he gets out the car slamming the door closed making me jump from the sound. I watch Damian carefully as he walks to my side and opens the door for me, i slowly get out trying not to attract attention from him buts it's quite hard when i have his death like gaze on my body, leaving me in a cold sweat. Jesus Christ this is not going to end well, hes probably going to starve me for a week or worse make me sleep outside. I'm brought out of my thoughts by the sound of my door being slammed shut, i turn around to face Damian but finds he's not by the car that is until i feel a cold hand settle on the back of my neck, a sign of clear ownership. I move my head to the left and i see Damian looking down on me smirking at my distress. "Get your hand off me, i'm not your dog asshole" i shout at him , trying to move is hand but failing when he tightens his grip to an uncomfortable rate. " I think not kitten" he says as he pulls me close to his side as we walk towards the door.

We enter the house and everyone stops what they are doing and looks at us, me holding onto Damian's arm as his hand holds onto my neck, lets just say it was an awkward situation, well for me at least. "Everyone is dismissed for the night" Damian says in a cruel manner making everyone flinch including myself. I glance over at Rose silently pleading her to help me but she just gives me a sympathetic look and mouthing 'sorry' i mouth back 'it's ok' in understanding that last thing i want is her to get in trouble. Once everyone left Damian spins me around to face him his lips hovering over mine and his eyes starring into my soul. " Now my sweet little Ali i want you to go up to our room and get ready for bed, as a small part of your punishment for your behaviour tonight you will sleep with nothing but one of my shirts and if you even think about putting on a bra and underwear you will sleep naked chained to my bed. Do you understand Ali' he says in a deadly whisper and all i can respond is a shaky yes , he nods his head and i pretty much run to the bedroom and slam the door closed. I lean my back against the door with closed eyes and take deep breaths to calm my racing heart, once i'm ok again i release a tired sigh and think to myself and all i manage to say is "well shit".

I walk towards the wardrobe leaving my dress a pool of red fabric in the middle of the room . I search through his shirts till i find one that stops at my knees and elbows, i will look ridiculous but the more covered the better in my case. I step out the wardrobe and look around but no sign of the devil so i make my way to the bathroom, i strip down and look in the mirror. My tattoo has completely healed and i must say looks really good apart form the Name Damian written next to the roses. I give a sigh and pull the shirt on, then start taking my makeup off. It takes me about ten minutes to get my makeup off, brush my teeth and hair, and give myself a mental speech just to be able to walk out the bathroom. I slowly open the door and poke my head out and sure enough there he is, Damian sitting the bed with a glass of whisky in his hands looking at me. I slowly make my way into the centre of the room and finding my dress no longer on the floor but draped over the lounge chair. I shift nervously from foot to foot as his eyes take me in.

"Very good angel, so you do know how to follow instructions then" Damian says in a mocking tone. I just give him a puzzled look not quite sure what he is on about, he only gave me one instruction get ready for bed. " What do you mean, I got ready for bed like you asked" i say in a slightly quivery voice not sure where he was going. " Mmm it seems you have but i'm not talking about that i'm talking about the party. I gave you specific instructions to be on your best behaviour, not to talk to anyone unless spoken to and not to draw attention to yourself. And what do you do, go and talk to my rival someone who would do anything to see my empire crumple, someone who would do anything to see me buried 6ft under. Ali i gave you three simple things and you couldn't follow them, i'm beginning to think you don't have an IQ above 12." he starts to yell towards the end. What the fuck, who does he think he is calling me dumb. I was top of my class all through Middle school and High school. " Ok, hold the fuck up. First of all you only said to be on my best behaviour, which i was may i add. What the hell did you expect me to do huh??, just ignore him that would have gone well, he might of fucking blown my head of. Not that i'm complaining , heck i would have liked to die a long time ago anywhere away from your stupid, annoying, ugly, jerk, paedophile ass. Did you ever think that,did you?. And second of all, my IQ is well above 12 and well above yours let me guess your a solid 50 well MATE i'm 150. So before you say i'm dumb or even question my IQ take a look in the fucking mirror." by now i was struggling for breath, Damian was just looking at me with smoke coming out his ears and it serves him right but i was not expecting what he would do next.

Before i had time to react, Damian ran at me knocking me to the ground and grabbing a fistful of my hair pulling down hard. " You want to die Ali is that it, You want to leave me. Well i have some news for you honey, you are NEVER leaving me and i will make your life a living hell you will be begging me to kill you but i wont because i want to see you suffer just as i did as a kid and just as i do now knowing you want to die instead of being with me but its ok my little kitten because i will make you regret the words that came out of your pretty mouth and soon you will be begging for my forgiveness. How may times do i have to say it Ali, you are going to be my little obedient wife and the sooner you start getting it through your head and start acting like it the easier our lives will be together. " He spits in my face but i cant help but look into his eyes and say something so dangerous and deadly i see a little bit of Damian go away and out comes the true devil. " I will Never be your wife, i will never submit to a scum like you, i will never stop hating you till the day i die and better yet i will never LOVE you. Your a cruel man Damian Knight and you deserve to rot in the deepest pits of hell for all the pain you have put people in. I hope you sleep with one open because the next opportunity i have I WILL KILL YOU" I yell right in his face not caring about the burning sensation in my scalp from Damian puling my hair.

I've awoken the beast in Damian's body that has been asleep for years and yet i'm slightly excited. " Cruel Ali, you think i'm cruel. Well let me show you how cruel i can be" he yells right back at me as he gets up and drags me by the hair into the hall all the way to the punishment room, I kick, scream, curse, bite and scratch and still his grip is as solid as steel. Damian kicks open the door and drags me over to where the chains are connected to the walls, he hooks me up and pulls the chain and adjusts them to his liking leaving me barley standing on my tippy toes. Damian walks to me once everything is in place and trails his hands down my sides, Damian's shirt has now risen up to mid-thigh on me, still covering my important parts. " You know, i was just going to spank you a couple times then go to bed with you but you always have to talk back and get yourself into more trouble, but if i'm honest i like this idea a lot more" he says as he trails his hand up my right leg stopping at my butt and giving it a hard squeeze causing me to scream in pain. My breathing harsh as i glare at Damian's almost black eyes. The out of the blue he starts leaning in for a kiss and so with all my might i slam my head into his face giving a nasty head butt. Damian stumbles back holding his lip witch has a nice split in it, i can feel blood flowing from a wound on my forehead but i don't care, " You think chaining me to a wall will scare me, your a coward. C'mon do something, give me another reason to hate you" i yell as i spit at his feet.

Damian just smirks at me as he wipes the blood of his lips with his thumb and walks over to me again but this time keeping a little distance between us. " No princess, that what you want me to do, you want me to hurt you because you like it no matter how much you deny it. But i wont no what i'm going to do, is deprive you of me and anything that is associated with me. I'm smarter than you give me credit for kitten and i'll prove that with this punishment."he says with a small smile, and before i can do anything he his kissing me hard and full of need, i hold back as much as i can but i soon find myself kissing him back and when i do he breaks the kiss, leaving me with the lingering taste of him mixed with the rusty taste of blood from his lips. Damian starts to walk away when i ask " Where are you going" he stops in his tracks still with his back to me " No more questions Ali, time for your punishment " Damian turns his head to the side and gives me a wink before shutting the door on me leaving me in pitch black. " WAIT COME BACK YOU CANT LEAVE ME HERE" I scream at the top of my lungs in the empty room, " Damian, anybody please help me." i yell "Damian, please come back. I'm afraid of the dark" i say in a broken whisper. But the one thing that haunts me even when i'm awake is the smirk and dark look in his eyes as he shut the door.

Lord have mercy on my soul.


Hello every, another update sorry it took ages. Although its short this chapter i hope you guys like it. Another thing i would like to say is His Angel, Her Devil has reached 13k views which might not seem like a lot to you but to a 14 year old girl it pretty crazy. Thank you so much to every who has voted and commented in my book, it really does mean the world to me, so please keep it up. Once again i will try to get the next update soon which shouldn't be to hard since i'm on holidays. I hope everyone has a great Christmas and like always, Until next time xxx

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