Chapter 10: Another Day

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"So, how was your date?", Hailey squaled before I even got seated. "Tell me everything", her eyes glowing with curiousity.

"Geez, calm down. I just got here", I complained.

She chuckled. "Sorry. But seriously, how was it?" She asked once my butt touched the seat.

"Well, it's just fine", I answered lightly.

"Liar! Tell me everything", she almost shouted making some people looking at us.

"What? Nothing happened", I lied.

"Belinda Emily Michaelson, I know when you're lying. So, just spill", she said, getting annoyed.

I sighed. "Fine. We kissed"

"What?", she shouted making everybody looking at us.

"Sssttt. You're so loud", I hissed.

She giggled. "I knew it. I knew it will happen", she shout-whispered.I rolled my eyes.

"So, it means that you're like together?", she raised her brows.

"No. It's just a kiss. Doesn't mean anything", I shrugged. I've kissed many boys, so it wasn't a big deal.

"Maybe for you, but how about him? Don't you ever think about that?" She asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know"

"Good morning, class. Now, let's continue our topic from last week", the professor appeared, starting the lesson.

(Ethan POV)

"Alright, I guess that's all Mr.Clarington", Mr. Smith said, ending our meeting.

"Thank you, sir for trusting me in this project", I shook his hand.

"Of course, son. I really admired what you did to Central Mall. It's a masterpiece", he smiled.

"Thank you, sir for your kind words. Just call me if you need anything to discuss" I said.

"Sure, sure"

With that, I went out from the office. I was working on a new building project of Westwood Bank.

The owner, Jay Smith called me last week to have a meeting. I was so surprised that he reached out to me.

The reason he wanted me in this project because he knew I was the architect of Central Mall. So, I was trying to give the best in this project not because of the good money, but it would risen up my reputation as an architect.

I got home around 2 PM and the apartment was still the same before I left it. It was clear that Linda wasn't home yet.

I'd been thinking about her these past few days. When she got a date with that boy, I hadn't been really talking to her. And she didn't seem to bother.

Didn't she have a slight feeling for me? Did she prefer that Mike boy than me? That thought made me angry.

I put my things in my room and laid on my bed, resting for a moment. My mind was still drifted to her. I missed her smile and laugh. I wanted to hold her in my arms and kissed her full lips, making her mine.

My eyes were getting heavy and last thing I knew I was in the darkness.

(Linda POV)

"What you got for number 8?", Hailey asked. She was doing her math homework which was due tomorrow.
I sighed and threw my book to her. I'd done my homework since the weekend so I was watching TV in her dorm. "You're the best", she said as she grabbed the book.

I stayed quite watching the TV while she finishing her homework. It was already 4 PM and I was supposed to be home now but since Hailey hadn't done 'copying' my work, I couldn't leave.

"Finished", she chirped.

"Finally", I mumbled and got up from the seat.

"You're going home?", she asked sadly.

"Yeah. I have brother who will lecture me, remember?", I said as I grabbed my bag.

She glanced at her clock, realized it was almost 5. "Shit. Sorry for keeping you"

"It's fine", I smiled. "See ya", I said and closed the door.

"Hey, gorgeous", I heard a voice behind me and I knew who it was already.

"What do you want?", I asked, not looking at him and walked through the front door. He followed me.

"I just wondering that we could go to another date since the last one was pretty great", I sensed his smirk.

"I'm busy", I said as I grabbed the door handle but he blocked my way out. "Hey", I almost shouted at him.

But he kept grinning like idiot. "You're not going after you said yes"

"And why would I do that?"

"Because we kissed", he grin wider. "And it was amazing", he whispered seductively to my ear.

This time I blushed like a tomato. Last thing I knew that his lips met mine. He kissed me passionately like last weekend. I let out a soft moan. I kissed him back, placing my hands through his soft blonde hair.

"So, what do you say? ", he asked once we pulled out for some oxygen.

"Yes", I answered immediately.

He grinned and pecked my lips once again. "Good. I'll see you tomorrow at class", he turned around and walked back to his room.

I went home pretty late, almost 5.30 and Brian was home already, so was Ethan which wasn't a surprise at all.

"You're late today", I heard Brian said from the living room.

"I was helping my friend out", I said boredly.

I didn't hear him reply because I was already in my room. I threw my bag on the bed and took my toiletries and did my business.

I joined dinner with Brian and Ethan. Ethan cooked spaghetti and it was surprisingly great. I didn't know he could cook.

"So how was your meeting?", Brian asked Ethan during the dinner.

"It was fine. Mr. Smith expected me the result like the Central Mall", he said.

"That was great, man. So have you designed it yet?"

"No idea at all", Ethan sighed and shook his head. "I don't know if I can make it great like Central Mall"

Brian laughed. "You always said that the first time you designed that mall and looked at your result, man. It was masterpiece. Don't think too much", he fake punched his shoulder making Ethan grinned.

I loved when they were bonding. They looked more like brothers than best friends.

"So, Linda how was school?", Brian changed the topic. I hated when he kept asking me about my school.

"Just fine", I shrugged.

"You're still seeing that boy again? Who is it again? Nick?"

"It's Mike", I said. "And no, I'm not seeing him"

"He's quite charming", Ethan said, but I could sense something behind his words.

"Well why don't you just date him, then?", I asked sarcastically making Brian and Ethan chuckled.

"Well, unfortunately I'm not gay", he joked back.

"Sure you are", I mumbled. "I'm heading to bed. I'm tired", I said after I placed my plate to the shrink, didn't bother to wash it.

Before I was out of the kitchen, I swore I heard Ethan muttered to himself, "Sweet dreams, love"

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