Chapter 31: Freedom

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I kept glancing at my watch for like a hundredth time now. I was having my last test and I'd finished 20 minutes early.

I tapped on my pen impatiently that the person in charge glaring at me. I couldn't wait to walk freely from this room.

"Time's up", the woman said and I sighed in relief. Everybody put their pens down and starting to walk out from the class.

"How's your test?", I asked Hailey once we were outside.

"Well, not bad", she shrugged. "Guess I don't need to ask how your test was huh?"

I grinned. "You know me so well"

"Smart people", she shook her head sarcastically and I laughed.

Suddenly I felt someone hugging me from behind and I screamed. I turned around and it was Jenny. She laughed her ass off after she heard me scream.
"Geez, you're scaring me", I slapped her arm.

"I should've record that screaming" she said still laughing. Hailey laughed too.

"Oh, boy", Jenny said wiping her left eye.

"So what do you want?", I asked.

"Woah, calm down sis. I came for peace offering", she joked.

"Steven and Caleb are going home tomorrow and they want us to hang out today", she explained. "So, are you guys in?"

"I'm in", Hailey said without thinking.
Jenny and Hailey waited for my answer.

"Of course I'm in", I said. I'd never been been going out with all of them and I needed to have some funs with my friends.

"Yeay. Come on they're waiting for us", Jenny took our hands.

(Ethan POV)

Going out with some friends. Won't be home for dinner.

I sighed after I read her text. It was her last day of test and I'd planned to take her for lunch.

I had a meeting with Mr.Smith this morning and it went well. He decided to start building it in 2 months. It was a big project for me after the Central Mall and I couldn't be more excited.

I planned to celebrate it by having lunch with Linda but it ruined by her friends.

So far, me and Linda were great. She seemed to be more relax to me and started being the old Linda back. My sweet Linda.

At 5, Brian got back home and he looked tired.

"Hey, man", he greeted me with low voice.

"Hey", I greeted back.

He directly got into his room and went out for a long shower. He always did that when he was exhausted.

I busied myself making dinner for both of us.

"Where's Linda?", Brian asked, grabbing a bottle water from the fridge and drank almost half of it.

"She's with her friends. She won't come home for dinner", I said sadly.

"Oh", he said then put the bottle on the table.

"So, how's it going with Linda?", he asked cheerfully.

"We're just fine"

"I know you're my best friend and everything, but if you hurt her, I've to break something from your body", he joked but in serious tone.

I turned around facing him. "Brian. That's the last thing I'd do to her. I would never hurt her like that son of a bitch", I said with gritted teeth.

"Geez, relax. I'm just kidding", he fake punched my shoulder. "But the part of breaking your body is still true"

"Brian, I'm serious. I won't hurt her"

He raised his hands in surrender. "Fine, Romeo"

We continued eating in silence.

"I know it's gonna be awkward but can I ask you something?", I asked.

"Shoot", he said without looking at me.

"I want to take Linda to our first date this Saturday. But, I don't know where I should take her", I sighed.

"Just do something simple, dude. Just take her to dinner. It's the best date for me", he shrugged.

I rolled my eyes. "Maybe it's for you and Kira but it's Linda we're talking about. I want it to be special"

"Hmm.... just take her to somewhere she likes"

"If I knew it, I wouldn't have asked you", I narrowed my eyes.

"How about ice skating? When she was little, she always wanted to go ice skating but Mom didn't let her", he suggested.

"Don't you think it's a little too random?"

This time he rolled his eyes. "Dude, I know my sister. She'll love it"

I thought about it for a while then nodded. "You're right. Thanks, man", I got up from my chair excitedly, almost tripped.

Brian laughed and shook his head. "You're so whipped, man", I heard him mumbled.

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