Chapter 23: Everything I do, I do It For You

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(Ethan POV)

I woke up pretty early this morning, around 07.10. I didn't know how on earth could I wake so early though. I usually woke up around 08.00.

Usually I would continue my sleep but this time I didn't. I wanted to see Linda's face. She would just woke up or having breakfast.

Wait, breakfast? Damn. I should've woken up earlier to prepare breakfast. It was Brian's job but I remembered he was still in Washington.

I quickly grabbed my T-shirt and went out of my room. I looked for the kitchen but it was empty and there was no sign someone had been cooking. Maybe she was still asleep?

I walked to her room and knock softly. "Linda? Are you awake?", but there was no answer. I tried to knock again but there was still no sign of her.

I slowly opened the door and peeked inside. Her room was empty. The bed had been made and her bag was gone meaning she had gone to school.

I closed the door again, confused. Why did she go so early? Maybe she was avoiding me?

After last night, she didn't say any words to her and so was I. I was too chicken to face her.

I went back to the kitchen and tried to made breakfast for myself.  I couldn't concentrate on my cooking making it looked bad.

I finally manages to make an omelet and some bacons. The omelet wasn't in the perfect shape but at least it was cooked well. But for the bacons, they were too much oil.

After breakfast, I went to living room to watch some news. But later, my eyes started getting heavy.

I knew I would be asleep soon so, I turned off the TV and laid myself on the couch. 

I didn't know how long I was out until I heard someone opening the door. I was still sleepy so I thought maybe it was just my imagination.

I tried to close my eyes again but later I opened them wide when I heard voices. Was it robbers?

In front of me was a table and under it, me and Brian placed a metal baseball stick. I slowly grabbing it with my still sleeping position.

The voices got louder and they sounded like... girls voice? 

"Keep it down. I don't know if he's home or not ", I heard someone shout whispered. I recognized the voice and it was Linda. 

I took a glance of the clock in the living room and it was still 09.45. What was she doing here? She should be at class.

"I think there's nobody here", I heard the other girl voice that I didn't recognize.

"OK, now where's the medicine cabinet? We need to clean you up now", The other girl said again. She sounded mad.

"I don't know. I think it's in the kitchen. Come on, help me up", Linda said to the other girl.

Wait, was Linda hurt? I got up and walked to the kitchen. Linda was sitting on one of the chair. I saw her bleeding knee making the stocking she was wearing was torn and blood everywhere around the knee area. Her blonde friend was opening all the furnitures.

"What happened to you?", I asked worried making both of them jumped and turned their heads to me. Both of them were looking for each other, nervous. What the hell was going on?

"Linda?", I asked softly.

She looked at me and her eyes told me everything. "Y-yeah?", she stuttered.

"How is this happen?", I asked again as knelt down checking her knee. It looked pretty bad but I didn't think it would need stitches.

"Well?", I asked again, locking her eyes into mine.

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