Chapter 22: Pain

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The next day, I went to school early than usual, to avoid Ethan. I wasn't ready to face him yet.

I went to the coffee shop to get some coffee. I ordered hot chocolate again then I recalled the moment yesterday when Ethan made me one.

He made a mean hot chocolate. I could still taste it in my mouth. The lady calling my name made me snapped out of my thoughts.

I walked slowly to the campus, enjoying the cool breeze against my face with my hot chocolate.

I got to class so early that there weren't anybody yet. I took a seat and placed my bag beside me for Hailey. She must be surprised why I was early today.

Slowly, people started to enter the class. Luckily, Mike didn't have the same class with me today. I didn't want to talk to him anymore.

Finally, Hailey came almost late. Luckily, she saw me and headed to my way. I removed my bag from the seat beside me, letting her to sit.

"Wooh, I thought I was late", she said, gasping for some air.

"Let me guess. Talking with Kevin until late last night?", I guessed.

Her face blushed slightly and I laughed.

"Oh, I need to tell you something", I said.

"From your tone, I guess this is serious"

"It's about Mike", I said lowly.

"What about him?"

"I broke up with him", I whispered.

"What?", she shouted making the whole class looking at her. I nudged her elbow.

"How?", she shout whispered.

She grinned. "Tell me everything!"

I was about to tell her when the professor came and began the lesson. I could hear Hailey's grumbled making me chuckle.

Forty five minutes passed and the lesson was over. Me and Hailey sighed in relief. She then started to make me spill.

I told her everything. How I found Mike naked in his dorm and with Ethan's confession at the kitchen.

I finished and she was dumbfounded. Her mouth was wide open looking at me like I was crazy.

"Oh My God", she said slowly.

"Yeah, I know", I sighed.

"Oh My God", she shouted as she stood up making me jump. Luckily the class was already empty.

"He loved you for 10 years?", she shouted again.

"That's what you just get?", I asked sarcastically.

"This is crazy. Your brother's best friend has loved you for 10 years. That is the sweetest thing I've ever heard from anyone's romance", she squealed. "It's even more romantic than The Notebook", she clapped her hands.

I rolled my eyes. She then stopped and looked at me. "Then? What did you say? Tell me everything!", she demanded.

"He let me to think about it. But honestly, I didn't know what to say either.", I said.

"You don't even like him? Even a little?", she asked.

I blushed. "Ergh, actually he was my cursh", I admitted.

"Then what are you waiting for? Just say yes", she shouted.

"It was a long time ago, Hailey and I didn't know if I still like him or not", I glared.

She sighed. "So, what will you gonna do? It's gonna be weird with both Mike and Hottie Ethan", she sat back on the chair.

"How do you know if he's hot?", I looked at her funny.

"I don't know. From the way you described him and everything, I think he's hot", she shrugged. "Or is he?", her eyes glowed.

"Ergh, a little", I lied. He was really hot especially in suit.

"So, what about Mike?", she asked as we walked slowly to the cafeteria.

"I think I'll just ignore him. I don't want to talk to him anymore", I said with my gritted teeth.

"Good. That jerk's not worth it"

Speak of the devil, we heard Mike's voice behind us, calling my name. We stopped and I looked at Hailey with horror.

"What're we gonna do? Run?", Hailey whispered and started to speed walk.

I followed her and we went to the opposite direction from the cafeteria. We could still hear his voice so we walked faster almost running

Unfortunately, he grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. Just looking at his face making me want to punch him.

"Go away", I said and turned on my heels.

He ignored me and turned my body again, facing him. "Wait, we need to talk", he begged.

"There's nothing to talk about. We're over", I said.

He grabbed my hand rudely and squeezed it hard making my hand hurt. "Look, I'm sorry OK? It won't happen again. Please give me a chance", his eyes filled with guilt.

But I didn't want to fall for it again. "Listen, you jerk. I don't want have anything to do with you anymore. You can screw with all your sluts if you want and I don't give a damn. Just leave me alone and don't talk to me anymore because we are so over and you're just my waste of time", I said the last sentence with pressure.

The thing happened next was he slapped me in the face so hard that made me fell and I landed with my one knee against the hard ground. It must be bruised now. I could hear Hailey's gasp and tried to help me.

"I'm a waste of time? It should be me to say that to you", he yelled. His face was red. "I'm the one who's waiting for you but no, you keep refusing me. I've been patient this whole time and this is what I get from you?", he yelled again and kicked my stomach.

I winced in pain. He wanted to kick me again but Hailey stopped him by kicking his balls. I could hear Mike's groan in pain.

"Are you insane? Look what've you done!", she screamed.

He seemed to realize what he had done. His eyes were panicked and he motioned to check on me but Hailey stop him.

"Don't touch her, you monster. Just stay away from her", Hailey yelled again and she tried to sit me up.

Mike still stood there like a statue until he turned around and left me and Hailey alone. He didn't even apologized. What a jerk.

Finally I was able to stand up thanks to Hailey's help but I still couldn't walk properly because of my bruised knee, making me limp.

"You need to go home. I'll take you", Hailey said trying to hold me.

"No, Hailey. Just go to class. I'll walk alone", I said I didn't want her to miss class.

"No. I'm taking you home and that's final. Don't you dare argue with me", she said sternly.

So I gave in. I let her leading me home with my limp foot.

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