Chapter 20: Pain

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I couldn't concentrate on what the professor said because I was worried about Mike. He showed up at class today. He sat two seats in front of me.

When I called him this morning, he acted like he didn't hear me. I wanted to know what was going on with him but the class was already started.

I didn't have a choice except waiting for it to be over.  I kept patting on my pencil making the girl beside me looked annoyed.

An hour passed and finally the class was over after the professor gave us the topics for the test.

He got up and left the room after the professor left. I tried to keep up with him making me ran faster to get him.

"Mike, wait up", I said and he slowly stopped and turned his body to face me. He still looked angry.

"What?", he snapped.

I frowned. "What's going on?", I asked. He never talked like that to me.
"Everything's just fine", he said and turned on his heels.

"Why are you mad at me?", I almost shouted.

He kept walking and I was just standing there. I couldn't believe it. He was mad at me and he didn't even tell me why.

I walked to the different direction, heading to my next class.

After class, I tried to go to his dorm but it seemed that he hadn't come home yet or he was avoiding me.

I went to Hailey's room and told her everything. She didn't understand either what made Mike acted this way.

"Is it because I refuse to have sex with him?", I asked sadly.

"But he said he would wait until you're ready", she said.

I groaned. "Come on, Hailey. Didn't you see it? He was mad after I refused to let him went to the next base. He's definitely mad because of that"

"But I thought he was different", she said sadly.

"Grow up, Hailey. All the guys are the same. They said they'd wait but in the end, it's just a bullishit", I groaned.

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have push you going out with him", she almost cried. I felt guilty because I was like blaming her.

"No, Hailey. It's my decision. You didn't push me into anything", I hugged her.

We spent the rest of the day watching TV and ate junk foods. It was nice having a little girls time for a while.

Before I left her place, I tried to knock again on his door. But still, nobody opened it.  I walked home sadly.

I got home and Ethan was nowhere to be seen. He left a note near the kitchen counter.

Having a meeting with my client. Don't wait up. Dinner's in the fridge. Heat it up first.

I sighed. Great. it felt like everybody's leaving me.

I ate dinner alone for the first time since I got here. Usually, I would love to be left alone. But this time, I really needed someone to accompany me.

I washed the dishes and directly headed to bed.

The next morning, I tried to find Mike because we didn't have the same class today. So, after my class,  I went to his next class.

I waited for him but he didn't show up. I asked Rick, his friend from his earlier class. But he said that Mike didn't show up for class today.

That was weird. Was he sick? I decided to come to his dorm after my class and finished this once for all. I'd break the door if necessary.

"Hey, you want to hang out with us today?", Jenny asked me after the class.

"I can't. I need to see Mike", I said apologetically.

"You're rarely go out with us since you're dating. Pleaseeee??", she pouted with her child voice making me chuckle.

"I'm sorry, Jen. I really need to see Mike. I need to talk to him"

Her face became serious. "Is everything OK?", she asked.

"Everything's fine. We just have misunderstanding", I said, giving her an asuring smile.

"Oh, OK. Good luck then", she smiled.

"Thanks" I said and with that, I left the class heading to his dorm.

I stopped in front of the building and sighed deeply. What if I talked to him and he decided to break up with me?

No, I didn't want it to happen. He was the best thing I got this far. He made me forget my shits and had been patient with me this entire time.

If it was about sex, I'd give it to him. He'd been waiting and I kept refusing him. I was ready for him.

I kept my courage and walked in the building. My heart was pouding so fast that maybe after this, I'd lost my V card.

Before I could knock his door, I heard a soft moan. At first I thought it was my imaginary but the sound was getting louder and it was from his room! Could he be...

I knocked slowly but there was no answer. Instead, the moan was getting louder. I was curious and tried to opened the door handle.

Surprisingly, it opened. I slowly peeked in a little and my world seemed to fall apart.

There I saw Mike naked on top with a girl I didn't know. I let out a loud gasp making them stopped from what they were doing.

My vision was blurred by my tears. I quickly left the place. I could hear Mike's calling out my name but I kept walking.

He caught up with me and he turned my body facing him. He was already dressed in a t-shirt and sweatpants.

"Please, I can explain", his eyes fulled with regret but I didn't let him fool me anymore.

"Just save it. So this is all about, huh? It's just about sex", I sobbed.

"I was drunk, Linda. She doesn't mean anything to me", he said.

"Oh yeah? But you didn't look drunk when you were fucking with her earlier. I thought you were different", I yelled.

"I am different, Linda. Please give me a chance", he begged.

I shook my head, tears were still running from my eyes. I turned around walking away from him but he held my wrist.

"Don't fucking touch me", I glared him. 

"But, Linda...",

"I said don't touch me", I yelled making him jump. He let go of my hand and I walked to the apartment still crying ignoring people's stares at me.

I was heartbroken. I was about to give him all of me, but he went out there fucking with other girls. I was so done with this feeling.

I didn't want to feel this pain again. Ever.

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