Chapter 18: Thanksgiving Disaster

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It was Thanksgiving and I woke up early. Back to high school, I spent my Thanksgivings at Hailey's . Her relatives were great and treated me like their own even though I was an outsider.

I spent Thanksgiving with them twice. I even spent my Christmas hollidays with them. That was why Hailey's parents were like my own.

I was so sad that I couldn't join them this year. Actually I could, but Brian didn't let me. Maybe he'd known about my parents coming so he forbidded me to be at Hailey's. Damn him.

I walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth. But before I could, I heard Brian's door opened and slammed it. He looked angry.

"Really, Linda? You couldn't just handle it for two days?", he almost shouted.

"Wait, so it's my fault? Who asked them to come here in the first place", I argued.

"They're coming with peace, Linda and you provoked mom. How's it not your fault?"

"But I don't want them to be here, Brian. I don't", I almost cried but kept my pride.

"Just please, for tonight. Behave yourself, OK? I just want us to have a normal family dinner", he said as he turned his heels.

"Are you kidding me, Brian? It's never going to be normal for us. Ever", my voice was like poison.

He seemed didn't want to accept the truth, so he just went back to his room.

I scoffed in disbelief. How naive he was. I went in the bathroom and did my business.

Brian told me that our so called parents would be here around 4. My mom would be cooking and like he warned this morning, he wanted me to behave.

I told him that I would show up around 6 and lied that I needed to go to library to grab some books for a lesson next week. He didn't seem to believe me, but he let me anyway.

Before 4, I was out of the apartment. I didn't want to see them until dinner. Hailey and Mike texted me earlier wishing me happy turkey day.

I sighed sadly, I wish they were here. I got so lonely without them. But surprisingly, I missed Mike the most. I didn't know how that happen. He easily made me forgot about my issues I was having.

I got into the library and went to the section I was yesterday. I read the same books I got yesterday, trying to understand it.

Slowly, after a long time of absorbing and research from other books, I managed to understand them. I positively sure that I would kill this class.

I glanced at my watch and it was 6. I got up and placed the books in their original places.

When I went in the apartment, the smell of food filled the place. I heard Brian called and I walked with heavy steps.

The table was filled with different kinds of foods.

They looked great and my favourites but I didn't feel like eating. I looked at my mom and she didn't look like pissed with me. Maybe Brian talked to her.

"Great, since everybody's here, let's eat", Dad said clapping his hand.

We all seated awkwardly. Brian was the only one who looked pleased with our gathering.

We began eating and talked about random stuffs. I just ate silently and listening to their boring topics, mostly it was mom who was talking. She was complaining about her job. Same old same old.

"So, dad I heard that Danny's getting married next summer?", Brian asked. Danny was our cousin.

"Yeah. Your uncle Liam is really happy now. He's always worried about Danny not being married though he's almost 30", Dad laughed.

"Yeah. But too bad the girl's not that pretty", mom said. She always talked low about other people. "I don't understand why Danny would choose such girl as a wife. I thought he would at least have a better taste", she mocked.

Dad and Ethan didn't give any comments about what she said and kept talking about something else.

"So, Linda. Do you like your school, here?", Dad asked me with warm smile.

"Not so bad", I answered without looking at him.

"Is there someone special yet?", Dad joked. I just gave him a shrug.

"Just concentrate on your study, Linda. Don't think so much about boys, they'll just end up breaking your heart", Mom said calmly.

"If you're a smart woman, you have to work hard to earn your own money and not completely depends on your husband", she continued. I think I know where this conversation goes.

"Because if one day, when your husband decided to leave you, you'll still be safe", she said eating her pie.

I could feel my dad was getting uncomfortable. Clearly she did that on porpose to provoke my dad. But he stayed calm.

"Oh, and if you're looking for a husband material, just go for the rich ones. You won't be suffer much from working", she added.

This time, my dad couldn't help himself anymore. He slammed the table with his fist.

"Is that how you teach your daughter?", he asked angrily.

"What? It's the truth. I don't want her to suffer like me", she said innocently.
"So, you're saying that you should've married a rich guy and not me?", he shouted.

"Well, I didn't say that. But I'm glad that you realize eventually", she said.

"You whore-"

"I'm the whore? Well who's talking now? Who's the real cheater here?", she began shouting like a mad woman.

"I've told you I didn't cheat on-"

"Enough!", Brian yelled making me jump a little. He was angry now.

"What the hell? It's Thanksgiving for God's sake. I just thought for a second, I could at least have a normal family dinner with both my parents. But no, you really have to ruin it. You guys are like fucking children", he shouted. His face was red with anger. I'd never seen him this mad. Honestly, it scared me.

"Watch your tongue-", my dad said but he was cut by Brian.

"Why? You don't like it? Too bad that I learn that from both of you. My own parents". Both mom and dad flinched by those words.

"I didn't say anything when we were in the same house because I was just a child back then. But I'm gonna say this now. You're an embarrassment for me and Linda. You guys are supposed to be the parents who teach us good things and support us. But all you did was fighting every single day. You care nothing but for yourselves", he paused, trying to calm himself.

"I don't care anymore. Just get the hell out of here", he said sadly and walked out of the room leaving me and them alone. I also took my cue to leave.

"Well, thanks for the dinner, mom. The food is great", I said sarcastically. I got up of the chair and walked out of the kitchen too, leaving both of them.

I went to my room and locked the door. I just wanted to be alone. I didn't know if they were still there or not. But if they wanted to fight here, just be my guest because I didn't want to be involved. I closed my eyes and drifted into deep slumber.

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