Chapter 27: Tell him

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Ethan knocked on my door telling me it was dinner time. I managed to study two subjects for the tests. Not too bad, huh?

I headed to the kitchen finding Ethan was placing the last plate of spagheti on the table. It looked delicious and I famished though I'd ate almost all of the snacks.

"It smells good", I said smiling to him.
He was taken back by my compliment. "Yeah, I practiced a lot. Brian's never a great cook", he joked.

I giggled. "Can't deny about that"

We sat and ate in silence. Sometimes he asked me about my day in school and how was Mike treating me now.

"He hasn't apologize to me", I said lowly. Remembering that jerk made my blood boiled.

"I can do something about it", he offered. He was holding the fork tightly, maybe to hold his anger.

"No, thanks. What you've done is enough" I chuckled. I could see Mike's bruises on his face.

We ate again in silence. The food was really great. Damn, even my cooking wasn't this good. Maybe he could teach me?

Imagining cooking with him and his hands holding my waist when I was chopping. Oohh, that was romantic.

I turned to him and realized that he was staring at me. His blue gazes locked in mine.

I was surprised to see him leaning closer to me. His eyes not leaving from mine.

He reached my chin and I thought that he wanted to kiss me. So I leaned forward too. But then he wiped my lower right lips and I knew what was going on.

"You've got a sauce", he said huskily then pulled away from me.

He sat back on his chair and finished his meal.

I was so embarrassed. I thought he was gonna kiss me. He must think I was a fool.

Maybe I was. I was a fool to think that he might kiss me. Maybe he didn't like me anymore?

My worries hit me hard. Maybe I was in love with him. But I didn't dare to admit it. I was afraid if I really in love with him, he could hurt me anytime.

This feeling that I kept burden me so much. Should I tell him? I decided that I would tell him but not now. I was too chicken to do it now.

We washed the dishes and headed to our own room.

I decided to sleep. I didn't have the mood to study now. How could I concentrate if Ethan was all I thought about?

The next day, I told Hailey everything I felt about Ethan and she couldn't be more happier.

"So when will you tell him? Tonight?", she said excitedly.

"I want to. But I'm scared. But if I don't, this will burden me more", I sighed.

"I think you should just tell him. He's suffered enough waiting for you that long", she exclaimed.

"But.. I'm afraid that he might turn like Mike", I admitted my biggest nightmare.

"He loves you. He would never do that to you. Mike's a jerk and he's not in love with you. He just want your pants", she said with gritted teeth.

"What if Ethan wants for my pants too?"

"Linda, if he really does, he won't wait for that long. For God's sake he hasn't dated anyone since.. ever!"

She made a point. He could have dated all the girls he wanted but he was still single until now just waiting for my answer.

"So what's it gonna be?", Hailey asked.
"I'll tell him tonight" I said speaking out my decision.

I got home early today. Hailey suggested me to tell him sooner and called her the instant I told him.

I closed the door and headed to the kitchen to have some water. I thought he would be in there, but he wasn't there.

I went to the living room hoping he was reading or watching TV, but still he wasn't there.

The last place he could be was his room. I'd never been in his room. I tried to knock it but no one answered.
I knocked harder and still no one. I opened the door slowly and took a peek inside. There was no one inside.

His room was bigger than mine and neatly organized. There was a bed, a bookshelf full of books, a closet, drafting table with the drawing tubes.
I sighed in disappointment and closed the bedroom door. He must be having a meeting with his boss.

But part of me glad he wasn't home because I didn't know how I'd tell him.

I took a shower to relax my mind. In the middle of the shower, I heard the front door opened and closed. He must be home.

I quickly finished my shower and got dressed. I went back to my room to comb my hair, trying to look descent.

I headed to the kitchen but then I bumped into Ethan. He looked tired and seemed to be in bad mood because he didn't smile to me and walked past me.

Woah, how could I tell him then? It really wasn't a good time. But then when would I tell him?

I grabbed some snacks from the kitchen and took them to my room.

Ethan was in his room. I didn't dare to disturb him now, knowing his temper. So, I just walked back to my room.

I woke up with a knock on my door. I didn't realize that I was asleep. I fell asleep on my table with my Biology book under me.

I took a glance at the clock and it was dinner time. There was another knock on my door and it seemed impatient. I quickly walked to the door and opened it but didn't see anyone.

I looked around and saw Ethan turning around the corner. He was really in a bad mood then. It scared me a little.

Should I say I wasn't hungry? No, I had to face him like a man. I'm not a coward. So I walked to the kitchen.

He was already eating when I entered the room. We were having pizza takeouts. He didn't take a glance when I sat in front of him which saddened me.

I kept taking glances to him whether should I tell him or not. But his head was still down and his gaze was focused on his food.

He finished and stood up to wash his plate. Ok this was my chance but I felt like my butt was glued to the chair.

Well, it's now or never. I stood up and hugged him from behind. He was frozen with my sudden action.

His warm body relaxed me and I could smell his soft cologne making me crazy.

He stopped the water and stood like there with me. He grabbed my hand and squeezed them softly.

He turned his body facing me. His expression was soft and surprised. I hugged him tight, my head on his chest.

His hand stroked my hair and I could feel his lips on my forehead. I pulled away and looked into his blue eyes.

I leaned up my head and stood on my toe wanted to kiss him because of our height difference.

He understood my gesture and he leaned down his head locking his lips to mine.

Our lips moved in sync. It was my first real kiss with Ethan and I couldn't be more happier.

The sparks was different than with Mike. With Mike, it was good but with Ethan, it was like fireworks, so addictive.

After almost a minute, we both pulled away to gasp some air. His chin rested on the top of my head.

"So, what's this makes us?", Ethan asked as he filled some air to his lungs.

"Anything you want", I said panting.

"Then will you be my girlfriend, Linda?", I could feel his smirk.

"I'd be honoured", I said then he locked my lips with mine.

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