Need to Read to Understand Book

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**Okay, I lied. There is a little info you need to know before you continue onto the book. :)**


This is going to be some background info about how my werewolf world works. This will help you so that the story plot and interactions between characters and everything makes sense. I'm probably going to explain some of this info in the story as well, but this is so I don't have to waste a ton of the story plot going through the nitty gritty details.


Both female and male wolves can identify whom their mate is starting when they turn 18, no matter the age of their mate. It is easier for male wolves to find their mate because their senses are sharper than she wolves.

Each wolf will gain his or her own individual scent upon turning of age. All werewolves that belong to a pack that are under the age of 18 don't have their own distinct scent – they only carry their common pack scent, which can be easily identifiable by any wolf.

Most male wolves find their mate either right after they turn 18, or within the next two years – it is how fate works. Because of this, most couples tend to have children really young. Just like regular wolves, males are the dominant sex among their kind and are almost always the gender in charge, but that doesn't mean the females have absolutely no say at all. Some things have evolved amongst their kind through the years, but not much. Most female werewolves refuse to leave their pups alone once they're born and choose to stay at home with them and take care of them. It is in a she wolf's DNA to want to bear pups for her mate, as well as protecting them with her life.

After the first two years of turning 18 passes, the chance of a male/female finding their mate becomes really slim. It is rare that a wolf over the age of 22 ever finds their mate if they haven't already. Older wolves that don't find their mates end up surrendering to their wolf side and life out the rest of their life as a rogue until they die and are finally connected with their other half.

**ROGUE'S ARE PEACEFUL CREATURES UNLESS YOU THREATEN THEM. I don't do none of that rogue attack shit.**

A mate is THE single most important thing to a werewolf, besides the pups that they will have together. It is very common for a male werewolf to be possessive and borderline obsessive over their mate - but it's multiplied ten fold for alphas, because they are naturally more primal than the average werewolf. A male wolf will always want to be around his mate, and if separated from their mate for too long of a time period, they can go crazy. Constant touching is common amongst mated pairs. A male wolf will do anything to keep their mate happy; it is their main priority.

Alphas, Betas, and Gammas

Most high-ranking wolves retire from their position and pass it down to their first born once they turn 25. This will give the next generation of leaders a chance to find their mate, and start their family before needing to focus on taking care of the pack, as well giving them enough time to fully mature.

Ideally, the main leading positions are passed down to males. The high-ranking females are in charge of being the pack nurturers.

Mate's Ball

In order to assist wolves in finding their other half who may live in another pack, there is an annual ball held during the winter by the werewolf council. All wolves that are of age, or those who have not found their mate already, attend the ball, which takes place after the first week of the New Year.

Every Alpha and Luna from the U.S. must attend; as well as bringing all of their pack's unmated she and he wolves. If you don't find your mate there, it is up to the individual wolf to travel around the world and find their mate on their own. Because of the large number of werewolves that attend the event every year, they host the ball on a private island owned by the council. Most wolves will find their mates at the ball.

Alright, that's pretty much it. If you have questions feel free to ask them! If you don't like the way my werewolf world works, then please don't read this. I don't want people commenting "She's not a possession oh my god!" or "This is so sexist" (which I don't think will happen because I plan to write this tastefully) or something along those lines. Thank you and I hope you enjoy this story!

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