Things Aren't Adding Up

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**HI GUYS! So today was my second day of college and I had to dead fucking sprint to my first class from my parking garage because it was far away. I was sweaty as well when I walked into class but its okay bc no cute boys were there. :-) Anyway, I joined a soroity!! It's super fun and I've already met the fucking coolest girl who is literally the brunette version of me. You guys probably don't give a shit about this stuff, so onto the chapter!**


Aceso's POV





The pain I awoke to was nothing like anything I'd ever been through in my life ever before. It was enough to temporarily crimple me in bed, unable to do anything but breathe, and even that seemed impossible. The weight on my chest refused to let up. My throat began to close when I opened my mouth to scream out for help. My heart rate shot through the roof as I began to panic, tears pricked my eyes in sheer terror.

Am I fucking dying?

I was finally able to move the slightest bit as the minutes ticked on. I began thrashing my body all over my twin size bed while gripping my sheets. I said a silent prayer to not only God, but also the Moon Goddess, to just kill me already and put me out of my misery.

A tingling, numbing sensation started to encompass my entire being beginning in my toes, slowly crawling up my legs, then to my abdomen, and finally engulfing the rest of my body in one final jolt. The weight that was once restricting my chest was released and I shot up in bed. My chest rose and fell rapidly as I took in as much air as possible for my now oxygen-deprived lungs.

My head felt far too heavy for my body at the moment, and my familiar beige room began to spin. I pinched my eyes shut while bunching my unusually long blonde locks in a death grip. I tugged harshly at my scalp, willing the dizziness to go away so I could just think for a second. I tried desperately to keep the bile from rising in my throat, but the wave of nausea that racked my stomach was too much for me to handle after the episode I just experienced.

Did I just go through...? I cut my thoughts short. There was absolutely no way in hell I just went through maturation. It was physically impossible for a female werewolf to mature before her eighteenth birthday. Hell, my birthday wasn't for another three days! But if it wasn't maturation, then what the ever-living fuck was that? 

I leaned my head back against my headboard for what seemed like forever, just waiting for the dizzy spell to pass. I carefully peeped one eye open - not wanting to overwhelm my already exhausted senses - and glanced at the alarm clock on my nightstand. I wasn't exactly sure how long I had ended up laying here for after my oh so lovely wake up call, but it was now just mere minutes before the annoying plastic contraption would be blaring at me to get up.

I grumbled to myself as I rubbed my hands over my face grumpily. I thought about possibly trying to play hooky and get out of going to school, but decided to go against my better judgment and attend anyway.

I stood, instantly reaching out for the headboard of my bed for something to support my weight. My legs were like Jell-O as I wobbled on my unsteady limbs. Creeping into my bathroom, I made sure to be careful not to step on the certain floorboards that I knew were extra creaky. I wanted to ensure my parents stayed asleep; no way did I want to have a full-fledged conversation with either of them right now. I glanced in the mirror and ended up choking on my own spit.

I pounded my fist against the middle of my chest, coughing ferociously to try and clear my throat, but I was still unable to catch my breath for the second time this morning. I stared at my reflection in awe, eyes wide as saucers. The girl looking back at me was most definitely not the same girl I remembered seeing last night while brushing my teeth.

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