Love Bite

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***First off, I want to apologize for being a giant sack of shit. I literally have SO MANY THINGS that decided to pile up all at once. College is stressful ok and I didn't have time to update Monday. I have three exams coming up within the next two weeks, so I won't have virtually any time to write, but I will have all day next saturday so I'm going to try to get some more written then. I hope you guys like this part. :)***

Aceso's POV

I tried my best to keep up with Xavier's large strides, but it was proving to be quite difficult due to the heels I was wearing. Eventually, we managed to slip out of the building through the back doors of the ballroom undetected. We weren't really breaking any set rules about not leaving the ball early, but it was highly "suggested" that all attendees stay until the very end of the event. Needless to say, it was a suggestion most newly found mates ignored.

Once we were outside, it became even more challenging to not fall behind. Xavier must have noticed my struggle, because he gently pulled me to a stop while chuckling at my expense. I puckered my lower lip out slightly in a fake pout, to which Xavier responded by bending down to my height and placing a chaste kiss to the puckered lip. He then proceeded to crouch down and pick up one of my heel-clad feet. My body swarmed with warmth from the simple touch against my lips and I reached up to run my fingers lightly over my still tingly flesh.

Quickly grabbing onto his insanely broad shoulders to keep myself from falling over, he began unbuckling both of my shoes before slipping them off. I moaned in relief. Why women ever wore those damn death contraptions was completely beyond me – they hurt like a freaking bitch.

He placed a delicate kiss to my ankle before gathering both of my shoes in one of his large hands and threading our fingers together with the other. I fixed my gaze on our entwined hands - completely enamored with just how big his hands really were when compared to my own dainty ones. They completely engulfed my much smaller hand. I was convinced that everything on this man was overly huge.

Though he was an incredibly intimidating size, I couldn't help but love how natural and right everything felt with him. He didn't scare me at all. In fact, I wanted nothing but to be surrounded by his warmth every single second for the rest of my life. My wolf's constant purring only seemed to intensify the longer I thought about Xavier. She's been doing it ever since we locked eyes earlier. Gauging by her reactive growls of pleasure, she had the same assessment of our mate as I did – he was one big hunk of sexy man.

I let my mind wander to how perfect today has been as Xavier led me to wherever we were going. In the matter of a couple of hours, I had been gifted with the perfect family, one that actually loved me, and the best mate I could've ever asked the Moon Goddess for. My heart swelled with happiness and I squeezed Xavier's hand in mine while also trying to ward off a fresh wave of happy tears. He glanced down at me with love swirling in his bright green eyes and began rubbing his thumb over my knuckles in a soothing gesture. I felt my adoration and bubble of love for him in my chest grow even bigger than it already was, if that was even possible. I felt like I was going to burst at the seams with happiness.

He adverted his gaze back to the gravel path ahead of us and I allowed myself to shameless check him out. I was suddenly hit with just how manly he really is. He easily towered over my 5'7 frame by more than a little. He had to be at least 6'7, if not taller, and his body consisted of pure muscle. His face was set with a now stoic expression and I could see why he probably instilled fear in most. His gaze was daunting and had I not been his mate, I would probably tuck tail and run off to hide. His nose was straight and he had the strongest jaw line I've ever seen. The way he squared his shoulders and managed to look so imposing made my nipples harden and my body to swarm with heat. My reaction embarrassed even myself.

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