Unusual Discoveries

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**Life is hard ok plz forgive. I should really stop uploading when sleep deprivation is a thing. I hope ya'll enjoy. 

Aceso's POV

It's been about three weeks since I arrived at my new pack. With everything that's taken place it my life, this has got to be some of the most uneventful few weeks I've ever experienced. Xavier has been hovering over me 24/7 and I'm going slightly crazy – not from his company, but from how overbearing he is being. I can't do anything by myself, and ever since I helped him better his speaking, all he does is protests and demands that I let him do everything for me. Well, that and talk dirty to me, but that was the one thing I did enjoy...a lot.

I don't know if the behavior is because of the fact that our mating didn't go as either of us had planned, or the fact that he's been waiting so long to finally find me. We've already talked out and discussed our feelings on the touchy subject that was how we consummated our bond, and Lord do I know that he feels bad - I do too for putting him in that position - but seriously! It's not like there's a glass box around my emotions! And to make matters worse, every time I call him out on his antics, he does anything and everything in his power to change the subject. It's absolutely infuriating.

I pushed the annoying thoughts aside as I heard Rory yell out to get everyone in the clearing's attention. I glanced around the training field and took note of how built everyone in this pack was. There wasn't a single person who was out of shape, including all the women. That was the other thing that made me incredibly proud of Xavier. In almost every pack I've ever heard of, the Alpha will refuse to let any of their women train. They said it was because their wolves would be distracted from fighting and they would ultimately get hurt. When I asked Xavier for his input on the subject when I realized this pack was different, he said that although their wolves would be anxious about their mate fighting, it was also better to know that your mate could hold his or her own during a fight if push came to shove. He also told me that Jarrod was extremely against the whole idea when he first came to the pack, but he soon came to change his mind after Xavier incessantly prodded him about it.

His reasoning and his ability to make change was just another reason why I knew Xavier was an amazing Alpha. I believed that as an Alpha, you aren't just born into your title. It needs to be earned. You should gain the respect of your people and you should be experienced enough to make wise decisions that are ultimately going to affect a large group of people later on. Xavier had that. He thought things through, and used logic both logic as well as instinct to make a sound decision, instead of ruling off of just pure emotion, like a lot of Alphas tended to do.

Stepping up to the gym mat that had been laid out, I waited for Xavier to show up. Yes - he let me train - but ONLY if it was with him. Figures. He pouted for thirty minutes about it when I said he should be focusing on his Alpha duties instead. Men.

"Sorry I'm late baby, got caught up talking with some men about border patrols." Xavier's deep voice rumbled out behind me. I shrugged my shoulders to let him know that I didn't care about his lack of attendance before leaning up on my tiptoes and pecking his cheek. He started to ramble on about what he was going to be teaching me today, half of which I didn't catch because I had dosed off. I'd been really tired as of lately and I wasn't quite sure why.

"Aceso, are you even listening to me?" He asked while narrowing his eyes. I shot him a sheepish look before shaking my head. He let out a frustrated huff while crossing his arms. He then proceeded to retell me everything he had just said, much to his chagrin. We got halfway through, and I could tell he was holding back the entire time we were sparing. I let it slide in the beginning, thinking he might step it up the longer we sparred, but he didn't and it was beginning to piss me off.

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