Chapter three

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I was scared shitless as the really buff guy made his way towards me me. His razor sharp blue eyes held my gaze, and I was trying to look anywhere but him. I took another quiz peek and saw him run his hand through his very blond hair.  He had a buzz cut so him running his hand through it, looked a little weird.

Right then, the backdoor opened and I saw shiny black dress shoes step out onto the ground. A man dressed in a tailored suit stepped out, and when he did I realized it was the guy from the restaurant. He looked absolutely dashing.

He was on the phone and when he saw me, he immediately stopped talking. I saw a slight look of confusion and surprise go through his face before he quickly covered it with a blank look. His poker face.

He still looked mysterious and handsome, like yesterday though. I guess it made sense why the driver had a gun. He was probably some big shot billionaire and needed security all the time.

He ended his call and put his phone in his pant pocket before walking towards me while running his hand through his -soft looking- dark brown hair. "Benjamin," he said in a controlling voice. "What's going on here?" He demanded.

"Mr. Carrozza, this girl just came in front of the car while I was making a right turn, and spilled coffee on your new car. I was just about to talk to her before you stepped out. But don't worry, I'll make sure she pays for the damage, you can go sit back inside, it'll only be about five minutes." Benjamin stated in quite a rush. It was clear that Benjamin worked for Leonardo, and was very afraid of him.

"Benjamin, go inside the car, I'll handle it." He said in a hard tone that left absolutely no room for refusal. Benjamin simply nodded and made his way back to the driver street.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking up because I'm actually really afraid of the traffic here, and I was getting late for my meeting so I was in a rush and didn't have time to look around for cars. But I'm willing to pay whatever amount for the car. I'm really sorry, Mr. Corrozza. I'm probably already late for the interview by now and theres no way they'll hire me now. Shit. I think I'll just have to take some out of the travel jar, and maybe borrow some from Aria, and I'm sure James could lend me some, yeah it'll all work out." I said, all in breath, and though I mumbled the last bit to myself, I was sure Leonardo heard.

And my british accent gets more pronounced when I'm a little anxious/nervous and start to ramble, so I was pretty sure I sounded like the Queen of England, (at least that's what James, my brother always said.)

He looked slightly amused at my rambling before he put back on his poker face. I couldn't tell what he was thinking at all, and usually I was kind of good at reading people by their facial expressions, but not him.

"I told you my name was Leonardo, so call me that. And If I remember correctly, you didn't give me your name before running off and completely ignoring me. It'll be in your best interest, if you don't pull such a stunt again, I don't tolerate people who disrespect me" He straightened his shoulders, and glared at me.

"But you could repay me by having lunch with me this afternoon." He didn't look me in the eyes and stare me down like he usually does, this time he kind of looked around, looking a little uncomfortable. It kind of looked like he didn't have to ask for anything, he probably had everything he wanted in front of him in an instance, by the way he seemed a little surprised at his own gesture. But I was confused, repay him for the mess i caused with his car, or for 'disrespecting' him.

I thought about it a minute and finally gave in and said a quiet, "okay," while putting a strand of my blond hair behind my ear. I knew that if I didn't repay him asap, the guilt would've killed me. I wasn't the type of person to get favours -I didn't like to be debted to anyone.

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