Chapter thirteen

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"Hey mum!" I tried really hard to seem cheerful but failed terribly. Mum and dad got back from Hawaii last night so I decided to give her a call today.

My mother's concern filled voice came from the phone, "what's wrong, sweet girl?" Her endearment for me made me feel homesick, and the fact that she could still read my like an open book made my miss her all the more.

I couldn't tell her what was wrong though, there was no point. I was done with Leonardo and bringing him up was completely useless. "Nothing mum, just tired with work, that's all." My traitorous finger was tangled up in my hair by the end of my sentence.

"I can always tell when you're lying. Now c'mon tell mummy what's wrong."

"Gosh, mum, you're making it seem like I'm a little girl," I laughed.

"You'll always be a little girl to me. Anywho, tell me what's going on, sweet girl."

"Well, there was this boy, wait no, there was this man and I kinda sorta fancied him. But, no more, he's not interested and he made that awfully clear, so uh yeah that's that." I shrugged, even though she couldn't see me.

"Oh, honey, if he can't see what a gem you truly are, he's not worth your crying. Men come and go, sweet girl, but the best kind are the ones who stay. When your prince arrives, you'll know, because he'll be the one who'll stay. He'll stay with you through you happiness and sadness, and if he doesn't then you know he's not the one. Always remember that."

I was in tears by the end of my mum's heart touching speech, "oh, mum, I love you, you always know what to say."

"Love you too, sweet girl. Now, tell me when you're coming to visit you old parents." I heard talking in the back and it sounded like my dad.

"Is that dad?"

"Oh yes, he's here to bother me. Here, talk to him while I do some unpacking." I heard some grumbling and then the sound of a kiss. Gross!

"Hey, girly." Hearing my dad's voice nearly had me in tears, I missed him so much. Yup, I was definitely a daddy's girl.

"Hi, dad. How're you."

"Would you look at that, your english accent is already starting to fade a bit." My dad didn't sound pleased. Have I mentioned that he was very much against me moving across the world to a different country all alone?

"Is it?" I smirked.

"Yes," he grunted. "Anyways, how's it going? what've you been up to, sweet girl?"

Shit, I didn't know if i should tell him about Leo. I decided against it. "Nothing really, just work. How was your vacation?"

I could just imagine him smiling as he answered. "Perfect! I'm loving the retired life."

"I'm sure you are," I laughed. He was a cop, who was always busy, something my mum wasn't a huge fan of. My mum admired him for being a cop and loved him for being the one to help anyone in need, its just his work hours that made my mother crazy at times. So, now that he's retired, my mum and him are finally able to relax and truly enjoy themselves.

"John, get off your lazy arse and help me put the clothes away," I heard my mum yell from the phone, which had my dad sighing and me just about dying from laughter.

"Looks like I've got to go help your mum before she screams the house down, I'll talk to you later. I love you, my sweet girl."

"Bye daddy," I almost started crying again, God, I missed them a ton.

"Take care, sweet." And, with that he ended the call.

After putting my phone down, I decided to get ready and make the most out of the day, before going back to work tomorrow.

I had just got out of the shower, when Aria called my name from the living room. I quickly dressed and went out to see why Aria was calling. As I step out of the room, I see her standing next to a man.

He was about my height, if not about an inch taller with blonde hair and an attractive face. But, I had no idea who this man was. I gave Aria a confused look and walked up to her.

"Sierra, this is our neighbour, Tris."

"Yes, hi, nice to meet you, I'm Tristan." 

"Lovely to meet you, Tristan." I gave him a slight smile.

"Look he got us cupcakes!" Aria exclaimed, while showing me tiny red velvet cupcakes.

"Oh wow thank you." I gave him a big smile. How nice of him! Too bad I couldn't eat any because I hadn't been to the gym in a very long time.

By "a very long time" I meant about two weeks, because I had been so down about the whole Leonardo thing that I just didn't feel up to doing anything. Which reminds me that after the phone call, I realized just how stupid I was being, and stopped trying to contact him at all. And, nowadays I hardly thought about him at all so that was a huge accomplishment for me.

Tristan and Aria's laughter brought me out of my head, and asked what they were laughing about.

"This meme on instagram about Drake," even as Aria spoke both her and Tristan were almost on the floor laughing hysterically. This guy seemed to be befriending Aria quite fast. Hmm.

I had no idea what they were talking about since I wasn't a huge fan of social media, I personally thought it was a waste of time. Whereas, Aria was addicted to snapchat and instagram and whatnot, but to each their own, right? I only used my phone for the basic reasons like calling or texting. I was more into reading and going outdoors, and just doing anything other than going on my phone.

But, I couldn't help but smile at the two as they laughed. Once they composed themselves, we talked to Tris (he forced me to call him Tris, as Tristan was too formal for him) a bit more, and then Aria invited him to dinner at our place next weekend. Oh goodness.


Hey everyone, oh boy it's been so long I don't even quite remember how to do this. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter so don't forget to vote n comment!! 

Thank you!

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