Chapter five

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"Well, that was a disaster," Aria said nervously.

"Tell me bout it," Kevin laughed slightly.

We were walking home since we couldn't get a cab. And, after what happened with Leonardo and the drunk man, I didn't want to say there any longer. My whole night was completely ruined.

I was still wearing Leonardo's suit jacket, not because I had to but because it was freezing cold outside, and the jacket was surprisingly very warm. It smelled like him, and I'd be lying if I said his scent wasn't intoxicating. Ugh! I needed to stop thinking about him.

"You okay, girl?" Asked Kevin, giving me a questioning look. I was in my own world again. I did that often, and I'd only known him and Vanessa for a week but they'd caught on to my 'habit' in an instance. I got lost in my thoughts a lot, and I couldn't figure out if it was a good or bad thing.

"Hmm." I nodded.

He returned my nod before walking ahead and catching up with Aria, who was able to speed walk in heels, whereas I was walking barefoot with my black heels in my hand.

Vanessa met an old friend at the club and decided to stay back and catch up, while the three of us decided to end the night and go home. So, now I was basically walking alone behind Aria and Kevin, who were acting like long lost besties. They basically became bff's in an instance. And, I was glad. Even though Aria was outgoing, she didn't let people in easily and I was happy to see her opening up a little.

"Hey, want Mcdonald's?" Aria yelled, very loudly might I add. But Mcdonald's? Ew! No thanks. I didn't want my visit to the gym going to waste.

"Nooope. I just wanna go home and sleep." I sighed.

"But, we want food." Now it was kevin talking, and his pouty face was adorable. But I really didn't want anything, I just wanted a good night's sleep.

"Okay then you guys go get food, I'll just head home alone." Usually I was scared of EVERYTHING, but our apartment was only about five minutes from here so I knew I'd be pretty much safe.

"What? No! I'm not letting you walk alone in the dark." Aria scowled.

I sighed, "I'll be fine Aria! I'll call as soon as I get home."

"Pinky promise?" She held her pinky out.

"Pinky promise."

I gave both Kevin and Aria a quick hug, and pulled Leonardo's coat tighter against me, and turned right.

As I was walking, I thought I felt someone behind me. I didn't want to turn around to make sure though. I could hear quiet loud footsteps -that'd stop right when I would. I didn't want to assume things, but my gut feeling was telling me to get the hell out of there, fast! So, by now I was absolutely shit scared.

Then, I heard the person's phone ringing and they picked up in an instance. I didn't know if it was because the person didn't want me to know about their presence, or because they were afraid of the person on the other end of the call and didn't want to make them wait. Whatever the reason, it was still weird.

"Sì, capo, è sola. No, sono proprio dietro di lei. Sì, quasi. Okay, capo." I heard a manly voice whispering, but I could hear loud and clear in the VERY quiet street. It was clear as crystal by now that the person had no idea I knew about him, which was a huge advantage for me.

(Yes boss, she's alone. No, I'm right behind her. Yes, almost. Okay, boss)

But who the hell was following me? Why the hell does this always happen to me? Why am I always stuck in dumb situations? I needed to get away from this man asap!

I started speed walking right when I saw my apartment building come into view. I looked behind me and didn't see anyone. Wait what? I stopped right in my tracks and looked everywhere, but there was no one on the street.  Where did that man go?

I took that as a sign that it was just my mind playing games with me. But what about that conversation on the phone? I surely couldn't have made that up. There was definitely someone there. But I was too terrified and tired to go investigate. Some things were just better left unsolved.

All that mattered was that I was finally home, safe and sound.

"Hey, Sierra. All good?" Paul waved from his seat behind the desk.

"Yeah." I returned Paul's wave with one of my own before walking to the elevator.

When, the elevator finally came down, I hurriedly got in. I stood patiently while listening to elevator music. I tried to ignore everything that happened today. I was going to go home, take a shower, and totally forget all of today's events.

"Wake up, sunshine." Aria yelled while opening up the curtains, and letting in ht bright sunlight.

"Ughh. Go away, you cow." I groaned and threw a pillow at her head.

She started laughing and threw the pillow back at me. "Get up, lazy bum."

"Let me sleep." I covered my face with the blanket. I was extremely tired.

"Get up! Kevin called about half an hour ago to let me know that your boss was holding a meeting this morning. He said it wasn't a formal meeting so just dress casually, and it's at Books and Brews in about an hour."

"Do you know what the meeting is supposed to be about? It's a little weird we're having a meeting on a saturday, in a cafe." I slowly got out of my bed and stretched my arms.

"No idea. OH and I found your phone! It was in your closest under that huge pile of clothes." She rolled her eyes.

"What were you doing in my closet though?" I eyed her warily.

"I was looking for a cute dress."

I gave her the 'go on' look.

"I have a blind lunch date," she said sheepishly.

"A date? With who??"

"It's a blind date for a reason." She rolled her eyes. Damn, and I thought I did that a lot.

"Who's setting you two up?" I questioned curiously.

"A friend." She was avoiding looking me in the eyes. Something was definitely up. I had only known Aria for a few months but I knew all about her habits, just like she did mine.

"Do I know that friend?" I was waiting for answers she wasn't willing to give.


"What's with the short answers?" I crossed my arms in front of my chest and scowled.

"God, nothing. You phone is on your dresser if you wanna call Kevin for more information about the meeting. I have to leave."

"Aria wai-" I couldn't even finish my sentence before she ran out of the apartment. Oh she'll definitely have to deal with me when she gets back. What was going on with her?

But I didn't have time to think about that at the moment, I had a meeting to get to. I jogged into the bathroom.

Short chapter I know. The next chapter will be much longer, and much more interesting and I'll try to deliver it as soon as I can! :)

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