Chapter eighteen

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I had no idea how many hours I was in that scary, dark basement, until the door at the top of the stairs finally opened. It allowed me to bathe in light coming from the other side of the door, even if it was only for a couple seconds. 

The door shut, and two big guys made their way towards me. I sat their frozen because I didn't think I had the ability to move, even if it was to cower away from them.

Much to my surprise, they untied me from the chair and started leading me to the door. When they realized that I did not have energy to carry my weight on my own two feet, one of them picked me up bridal style and starting walking. 

I tried screaming but my throat felt clogged and there were no words coming out. I was screaming "Stop" "Help" "Put me down" in my head, but I wasn't able to physically say those words out loud. 

Finally, they opened the door to the basement and we stepped out. I had to quit my eyes because all that light was too much all of a sudden. But, once I was actually able to look around properly, I was shocked.

The mansion was just as beautiful, if not more, on the inside as it was from the outside. It was also huge because it felt like we had been walking for too long, when we finally stopped in front of a set of dark brown doors. 

The man that wasn't holding me, knocked on the door in a certain pattern. 

"Come in," I had Leonardo's voice from the other side. The things his voice did to me. 

We walked inside what turned out to be an office, with me still being carried by one of the men. But, before he could put me down, all we heard was Leonardo's growl.

"Why the f*ck are you carrying her?" His voice thundered across the room. 

The man quickly put me down, causing me to fall forward for a second before I caught myself. 

"Uh Boss, she wasn't fit to walk, so I uh thought it would be better if I carried her," the man spoke nervously beside me. I would feel bad for him if it wasn't for the fact that I was kidnapped here. 

Leonardo walked around the desk, and came to stand in front of the man. The man may be bigger in size, but Leonardo was taller and towering over him. "Don't you ever touch her again. No one touches her. Understood?" He said harshly.

The man nodded. 

"You both may go then," Leonardo commanded.

They both nodded and made their way out of the room quickly. Leaving me alone in a closed space with Leonardo. I hated his guts right now, so I would rather be in that basement alone than be here with him. 

"Sierra," the way he said my name felt like a caress. 

No! He is the enemy, don't you dare let yourself get seduced by the enemy! I had to repeat that several times before my brain finally understood. 

"What the h*ll do you want now?" I tried not to be sassy, but I couldn't help it. 

"Watch your mouth, Tesoro." He gripped my waist tightly, and pulled me into him. 

I closed my eyes and looked down, but I could feel his breath on me and his hard stare on my face.

"I let you go, because I never wanted it to come to something like this," he whispered in my ear. 

I opened my eyes and pulled back a little to look at him. "What are you talking about?" I was seriously confused.

"After the party, the reason I didn't contact you isn't because I didn't want to, it's because I wanted to keep you away from this life." 

His words shocked me, because I had come to terms with the fact that he didn't want anything to do with me because I wasn't good enough for him. 

He continued, "I started feeling something for you, and you can't deny you didn't feel the same way. And I wanted whatever it was between us to grow, but I couldn't bring you into my life knowing it would be definitely put you in harm's way. I want you to know how much it killed me to stay away from you, to not explore the chemistry between us. I did it all to protect you." 

Before I could say anything, he starting speaking again, "I let you go one time, Tesoro, and look you came back to me, but I'm no saint and I don't have the willpower to let you walk away from me again. You're mine, now." 

He sealed my new fate with a passionate kiss, and I didn't shy away. I gave my all into that kiss, I wanted him to know what I went through all those weeks living without closure and blaming myself for his absence from my life. He needed to know. 

He started kissing down my neck, causing small moans to escape my mouth. This is what I had been waiting for, for far too long. His lips continued their precious torture, while one of his hands found their way inside my shirt and to my breast. 

He lowered the bra, and started kneading my breasts with one of his hands, all while he kissed me into heaven. His tongue against mine, and his thumb teasing my nipples until they hardened into tiny little pebbles was far too much for me to handle. 

My hands were exploring his hard chest through his tailored suit, while I kissed him with such a hurry. I was truly in heaven, and it was all interrupted with a knock on the door. 


Hope you enjoyed, this was not very smutty I know, but c'mon they're just getting on good terms, kinda. But yes, this story will feature some smut scenes in later chapters, so be on the look out. Haha! 

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