Chapter eight

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I was woken up on a bright sunny Saturday morning by the sweet smell of pancakes. That meant  that Aria was home and making breakfast for the both of us. I reluctantly got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom to freshen up.

I came out of the bathroom freshly showered and ready to take on the day. I went into the closet and and put on a  sweatshirt over my tank top, and headed out.

"Morning sunshine," Aria yelled out from the kitchen.

Hmm she seemed to be in a good mood today, but should I ask about her hardly being home right now?


"What's wrong?" We were best friends for a reason, she could understand me like no one else.

"That's what I want to ask you." I stared into her confused brown eyes. "You're hardly home nowadays and I don't know, it just feels like you've been ignoring me. What's going on Ari?"

She came towards me and engulfed me in a hug, "Oh Sierra! No I wasn't purposely trying to ignore you, I just started seeing this guy and we've just been hanging out a lot."

As soon as she mentioned her seeing someone, I moved away. I'll admit it, I was hurt. We were best friends why wouldn't she tell me this? We told each other everything.

"Sierra," she sighed, "The reason I didn't tell you was because I didn't know what to say. I wasn't even sure what was going on with us, I liked him but I wasn't sure about his feelings towards me because I mean we had only went on a few dates so it wasn't anything serious. I was planning on telling you last night but by the time I got home you were already asleep."

"So is it serious between you two now?" I asked curiously.

"I think. He told me he really liked me last night, so I told him I felt the same way, but I don't know if we wants a relationship. I'm surely ready for one but I don't know about him." She shrugged. "And I didn't want to tell you anything and get your hopes up for us until I was at least somewhat sure that it would last between us. Man I really hope he was serious when he said he liked me because he seems like a great guy."

"Awe Aria, just give it some time, I mean you only started seeing each other recently, I'm sure he'll eventually want a relationship. You're an amazing person who wouldn't want to date you." I playfully nudged her with my elbow.

"Haha, thanks Sierra. Okay c'mon your pancakes are getting cold." She led me into the kitchen and I was smiling like a child when she laid a plate full of chocolate chip pancakes infront of me.

"Have I told you I love you, because damn I love you."

"Yeah I know, I'm amazing." She smirked.

I shook my head at her cockiness, and started eating the mouthwatering pancakes.

"Hey, you should invite him to the party tonight!" I said to Aria who was scrolling through her Instagram while drinking tea. Her head went up right when I spoke.

"I don't know. What if he says no? That'll be embarrassing."

"Well it's worth a try. He told you he liked you first so now it's your turn to make a move!"

"Are you sure? I don't really know about this." She gave me a tight smile.

"Just go for it!"

She sighed, "Okay." She started scrolling through her recents and clicked on 'Luca.' Hmm, sounded very Italian. I wonder if he was good looking, but then again if he was dating a beauty like Aria, he must be smoking hot.

Were all Italian men hot? Leonardo certainly was. Wait, hold up! Why was I thinking about him.

Shit! He was my date for the party tonight, I totally forgot! I was about to tell Aria when I saw her talking on the phone and smiling like a goof.

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