Chapter seventeen

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"Leave me alone," my voice shook as Leonardo pulled me up off the ground.

We were now only an inch apart and I could feel his intense stare on me, while I looked at the floor.

He chuckled, "that's not how it works, Tesoro. What you saw can never go out into the world, so I'll, unfortunately, have to keep you with me."

Tears rolled out of my eyes at his words; I didn't know what he meant by keeping me with him, but it sure didn't sound good.

"Please, Leonardo. I beg of you, let me go. I won't tell a soul. Please," the last word ended on a whisper because I couldn't keep my voice strong any longer. What had I gotten myself into.

At my words, his eyes softened, but his words remained cruel. "Nothing you say can change your destiny, you're stuck with me."

"What do you mean?" I yelled. It felt like he was talking in circles because I had no idea what being stuck with him meant.

"Lower your voice," he whispered harshly. "What I mean by that is, you're mine. Everything you do from now on will be under my watch, just so I know you will not make the mistake to go to the police."


Before I could say anything, he had picked me up off the ground and had started carrying me to the back where I heard the voices earlier. I kept my eyes closed because I really did not want to see the gruesome view.

To my surprise, instead of dumping me in front of the man, Leonardo had opened a car door and pushed me in to the backseat.

He got in after me, and that's when my anxiety went over the roof. This was not good. What if he planned on keeping me hostage for the rest of my life. Was being kidnapped and held hostage for my whole life really better than having him shoot me once and getting it over with?

I tried opening the car door, as sort of a last attempt at saving myself. Unsurprisingly, it was locked.

Leonardo chuckled behind me, and it confused the heck out of me. Was it normal for your ex-crush, who was also a murderer and now a kidnapper, to be laughing at your attempt to get away from him?

"Sit still, Sierra. You can't escape me now, so there's really no point in trying." He said it in a calm voice, but I knew his words were a warning. I can't escape.

"Why are you doing this?" I begged. If I was going to die soon anyways, I might as well get some answers out of him.

"To make sure you don't run your mouth to anyone. Just being cautious."

Cautious? Kidnapping someone was not being cautious. Being cautious was taking a pad with you in your purse to the mall, not kidnapping someone after a murder.

"I've already told you several times, I won't tell anyone. Just let me go," I yelled because being mad was better than being scared right now.

"Clearly, I don't trust you. Now sit f*cking still before I make you," he growled at me.

His yelling scared the crap out of me, but I didn't back down. I was going to be murdered anyways, why go down like a coward. I don't know where the bravery came from but the next thing i knew, I closed my hand into a fist and lunged to punch Leo in the face.

But that bastard was way too quick, and caught my hand before I could do some satisfactory damage to his face. His face deserved to be ugly like his soul.

"That's fucking it," he yelled and pulled me roughly into his lap.

I tried slithering away, but it was no use because his arms were extremely tight around me.

"When I tell you something, you f*cking listen," he spoke harshly into my ear, making me flinch.

The rest of the car ride was silent and painful with my still in his lap, not saying a single word.

When the car stopped, his driver, Benjamin, opened the door for us.

As soon as I got one foot on the ground, I was lifted onto the back on Leonardo's shoulders, like a bag of potatoes.

From what I could see, considering I was upside down, we were walking into a mansion. A large, beautiful mansion.

What was odd though was why would he bring me to a lavish mansion, instead of a scary warehouse? Do murderers kill with style now or something?

"Where are we?" I scream as I pound Leonardo's back with my fists. 

I get a smack on my butt as a response.

"You f*cking perv, let me down," I growl. "Ow." Another smack on the butt. I am going to kill him!

After what felt like an hour long walk, I am finally dropped down into a hard chair in the middle of an empty room. The walls are grey and scary, and it seems like the basement. I guess looks can be deceiving. 

"Sit quietly, or I will be forced to tie and gag you. You would hate that a lot more than I would, tesoro," he gently slid his index finger across my cheek, causing goosebumps to form all over my body.

"How long are you going to keep me here?" I am beyond exhausted at this point, and I need to know when my misery finally ends.

"Long enough," he says, breaking the silence. He's pacing in front of me, almost as if he's deciding in that moment what should be done with me. 

He finally stops pacing, and comes to face me again. "You will remain in this house under my watchful eye, and you will only be allowed out for work, even then it will be with one of my men on you. You see, darling, I don't trust you, but I do care about you enough to allow you to work, because I know how much that means to you." I thought I saw a hint of remorse in his eyes, before it was shuttered away and replaced with an emotionless stare. 

I scoff, "you don't care about me, so don't bother lying. We both know I'm under your control now, so no need to lie and fake what you truly feel for me." 

"And, what is it that you think I truly feel for you, Sierra?" The chilling way he said my name made me terrified.


He shook his head, and walked up the stairs and out of the room. Leaving me a scared, crying mess in that dark room, alone.


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