Game 20

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I limp my way over to Dana's house. I pulled up at her door and rang the bell. She look through the window and when she saw me she immediately opened the door.

"Oh shit Molly get inside." She said helping me in.

"What happened bro?" She questioned as she helped me to the couch.

"I got jumped." I said.


"Relax lemme tell you what happened." I said.

I told what happened with Rah and the girls and she looked at me as if I've gone crazy.

"What are you ready to die or something? Like seriously Molly Rah? Out of everybody in the world you choose to fuck with Rah." She said getting some stuff to patch me up.

"I know I fucked up but he should of never talked crazy like that. Plus he lucky I didn't stab his ass with that scissor." I told her.

"Real talk Molly did you really think you were going to be able to stab him with that scissor?" She asked.


"Yes" I said.

She rolled her eyes cause she knew I was lying.

"Look Molly just cool it. Stop letting your anger get the best of you and think first. You said how tomorrow you're off. How about me you and Aaron go to the park just chill." She said smiling.

"That sounds like fun I guess for old time sake." I replied.

We all use to go to the park together with Travis. This would be the first time going to the park without him. She walked over to me and sat next to me.

"Travis would want us to go on and live our life as if he never passed. You know that Molly he said it himself. He said if I ever die young just know I died living my life to the fullest. " Dana said.

I nodded my head in agreement. She helped me get cleaned up and told me I could stay the night since it was getting dark. I was happy to have someone like Dana she always had my back know matter how crazy the situation was. I woke up the next morning in Dana's bed. It was early around 6:30. I wanted to get home early so by time Aaron woke up I was there.

"Yo Dana I'm leaving. Text me when you're ready to go to the park." I said.

"Yea whatever." She said half awake and half asleep.

I looked at myself in the mirror. My lip was busted and I had a cut above my eyebrow. My body hurt from being stomped on but I could survive.

They didn't do much damage.

I made my way to the house and went to take a shower. I threw on some basketball shorts and a white shirt. I put my hair up in to a ponytail and sat on the couch and started to watch some TV.

"Well look what the cat dragged in."

I turned around and saw my mother standing in the doorway. Her hair was a mess and she had on one of her robs. She had a cigarette lit in one of her hands and she looked tired.

Cigarettes? Disgusting.

I rolled my eyes when she started talking.

"Don't roll your eyes at me. Where was your hoe ass last night?" She said walking in front of me and blocking the TV.

"Why does it matter where I was. When you come home late at night after 2 days of being gone do I question you?" I asked standing up.
That's when the left side of my face started to burn.

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