Goodbye Molly

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It was getting dark out and I was in Aaron's room. He was packing his bags to go over to Aiden's house.

"Molly you'll be careful out there right?" Aaron asked.

"Of course I will. When we cool off with this shit and get settled down, we can move out this hood and do better for ourselves." I said.

"But what if I don't wanna move out of here. I like going to school here." Aaron replied.

"Well you can still go to school around here. We'll just move out the hood and to a better house." I said.

He nodded his head and gave me a hug. "Good luck tonight Molly." He left and went in to Aiden's mom car.

She waved to me and I waved back and they drove off. I went upstairs and saw Rah in the room checking the bullets in his gun. He walked over to me and smiled.

"You ready to take this nigga out?" He asked.

I took my gun a checked the bullets. "Ready when you are." I replied.

He went downstairs and I went under the bed and took out the suitcase full of cash. I went downstairs and hopped inside the car with Dana, Quan, and Rah. I had Gunz and two other niggas in a car behind us and the rest of the guys would move in when shit starts to get crazy.

I told Dana the address and she started driving to the place. As we were driving the houses started disappearing and and turning in to trees. When we finally reached the place it was just a big ass warehouse in the middle of nowhere. We all hopped out the car and saw 2 niggas standing in front of the door to the warehouse.

"You Molly?" One of them asked.

"No I'm Lucy." I said.

Dana elbowed me in my side telling me to chill. "Right upstairs to the last floor...Lucy." The other one said smirking.

I rolled my eyes and went upstairs. The main floor had two staircase. I walked all the way up to the last the floor and walked in to a room. In the room there was someone sitting in a big chair and a bunch of dudes with guns in every corner of the room.

"Molly it's so good to see the women who's been stealing my shit. An her little team is with her. Hello there." He said smiling.

Something's really wrong with this guy.

He was a tall brown skin man. He had a lazy eye and right below it was a healed up stitching wound.

"Please have a seat." He said.

"We don't wanna sit. We have the suitcase with the money in it now do you want it or not?" I asked.

He stopped smiling and had a straight face.
"Go and get the suitcase from the girl." Ant said facing one of his guys.

The guy walked over to me and smiled at me. I gave him the suitcase and he winked at me and walked back to Ant.

"You should really tell your guys to focus more on the money instead of girls. That's how we were able to get the suitcase in the first place." Rah said.

That made Quan and Dana chuckled and the guy that winked at me glared at Rah. Rah just smirked at him and Ant opened the suitcase and started to take out the stack of cash and count every stack.

"Wow. It's really all there. You were right when you said you just wanted to give me the money and I leave you alone. To bad I gotta kill you know." Ant said.

The men in the room all pulled out there guns and pointed it at us.

"I mean Ant did you really think we would of came here unprepared?" I asked.

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