You A Virgin

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I woke up to a text message from Rah. It said he will be at my house in 15 minutes. I got out of my bed and walked to Aaron's room. He was sitting down watching a basketball game.

"Aaron I am going to be out for a little bit. So I'm leaving you in charge to take care of the house. Please don't do anything stupid while I'm gone." I said.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"I'm going out with the gang to deal with something." I replied.

He nodded his head in understanding and I walked out of his room. I still had on Rah's white shirt and I changed out of it and put on a black shirt instead. I already had on some black leggings so I just tucked my gun away and put my ski mask on so it looked like it was just a hat. I took the walki talki and went downstairs and waited outside for Rah.

When I saw the car pull up I hopped in to the back seat. Dana was driving and Quan was sitting next to her. Rah was next to me and he looked at me and smirk.

"Weirdo" I said under my breath.

We drove out the hood and in to the one next to us. We slowly pulled up to this big ass house.

"Ight y'all remember the plan." Rah said putting on his mask.

We all nodded our head and hopped out the car. Dana drove down the block so it didn't look suspicious that there was a black car just sitting in front of the house. We snuck in through the back door and went upstairs to the master bedroom. Rah kicked down the door waking the man up out his sleep.

"Wassup mother fucker you remember me." Rah said putting his gun to his face.

The man looked scared as hell. I thought he was supposed to be some sort of tough guy.

"Who the hell are you?" He said.

"RAH BANKS NIGGA." Rah yelled referring to his full street name.

"Rah what the fuck man I told you I was gonna give you your money." He said.

"Nah fuck outta here I gave you 2 weeks what you tryna do play me like some type of fool?" Rah asked.

"Nah I wouldn't do you like that Rah." He said.

I noticed him going under his pillow for something and took out my gun and shot him in his hand.

He screamed out in pain. "Ahh this bitch just shot me." He said.

Wait how did he know I was a girl.

I felt something touch my shoulder.

Oh yea my hair...and my boobs.

I walked over to the side of his bed and lifted up his pillow to see a gun there. I picked it up and threw it at Rah.

"Dam you tried to kill me? Now you really gonna die." Rah said laughing. "But first I need the password to safe." Rah said pointing over to the safe sitting in the room.

Real creative hiding spot.

"Fuck you." The man said.

Rah punched him in the face. "Daddy?"

We all turned around and saw little girl standing in the door frame holding a teddy bear. Rah took his gun a pointed it at the little girl. I looked at him as if he lost his mind.

"No don't shoot her I'll give you the password. It's 5521 just don't shoot." The man cried.

Quan ran and put the password in and started stuffing everything in the safe in to a duffle bag. I ran over to the little girl and lifted her up carrying her back to her room. She began crying.

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