Kenny V

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"Gunz we talked about this." I said turning my attention to him.

"I know what we talked about. I fell in love with Dana cause I had a dream me and her fucked. Well it turns out it wasn't a dream and when I was comforting her I felt something." He replied.

"That was because when she was crying you were feeling sorry and wanted to comfort her. She could be having your child of course you'll feel some sort of love towards her." I said.

He took a deep breath and rubbed his face. "You're probably right. At least I hope you are right about this. I needed get my dick sucked like now." He said.

I took that as him kicking me out so we left his house and he dropped me at my house. I had the whole house to myself and I was bored out of mind.

Rah wasn't here to keep me company and I couldn't go to the trap cause apparently I'm ban from it. Quan said that the other trap houses are doing fine and pay day is tomorrow so everyone's getting the right amount of cash they need. Basically the only problem I had to deal with is this detective.

My doorbell rang and I went downstairs to see who it was.

"Hola Molly." Detective Von said.

Speak of the fucking devil.

"I've come with a offer. May I come in?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes and let him in. He smiled at me and went inside of the living room. "Nice place you have here. Who decorated you or Rah?" He asked.

"Cut the small talk and tell me what your offer is before I kick you out." I said.

"What if I don't leave? What are you gonna do? Call the cops?" He asked smirking.

No I'll just have to kill your ass.

"Anyways here's my offer." He said.
He pulled out his phone and showed me pictures of me pointing the gun to the girl who said she was with Rah from the park.

"You know you really shouldn't let your anger get the best of you." He continued.

"You planned this shit didn't you?" I asked.

He just looked at me and smiled.

I rolled my eyes and sat back on the couch.

"For the last time. What do you want?" I asked.

"Well being that you won't snitch on Rah this is where my offer comes in. Either you snitch on Rah and go home free. Or you go to jail because you threatened someone with a deadly weapon and Rah goes home free." He said.

I froze. "You're lying. How could he come home free when you wanted him locked up for good?" I asked.

He chuckled. "I'm not lying to you Molly. I'd never lie to you cause I know you're to smart for me." He said grabbing my hand.

I pulled my hand back from and gave him a evil look which just made him smile. "It's your choice baby girl and I know you are probably overwhelmed with this information so I'll give you some time." He said getting up.

"Have a nice night Molly." He said leaving my house.

As soon as the door close I go up and ran to my room. I texted the group chat and told them that there was a big ass emergency and they needed to come and bring their ass to my house now. I also texted Antonio and told him to come to my house with them.

After what felt like hours I was pacing back and forth and the doorbell rang. I opened the door and was faced to faced with everyone I had got in contact with.

"Come on come on come inside." I said rushing them and projecting them to the living room.

"What was so important that you had to call all of us?" Antonio asked.

"That dirty ass cop came over to my house and had an offer for me. He took photos of me early with that gun I had use to threaten this girl and said I could get locked up for it. Either I snitch on Rah or I got to jail for the gun and Rah gets released." I said.

"Woah he can't do that can he?" Dana asked.

"Well actually he can do anything as long as he has the evidence. But what I don't understand is why he would take Rah out of jail if he wants him in there for life?" Antonio asked.

"I was thinking the same thing. But maybe he wants to actually end Rah's life." I said.

They all gave me a strange look. "What do you mean Molly?" Gunz asked.

"I read the information Antonio had gave me about Detective Von and it said that his brother had die in a drug related shoot out that I think had to do with Rah. That's why he want his head so bad." I said.

Everyone looked at Quan. "If I'm not mistaken it was the shoot out that had MAD news reporters in the area for days covering the story. Some niggas met up in the warehouse and there was a big ass argument, shit got bad and niggas started shooting so people got hit. One of them must of been his brother." Quan said.

"His brother name was Ken Von that name ring any bells?" I asked.

"Kenny V? Hell yeah. That nigga was jealous of Rah for some reason. So during the shoot out he was trying to kill Rah but Rah killed him instead." Quan replied.

"Well that explains why this cop is so obsessed with Rah. But now what are you gonna do Molly?" Gunz asked.

"I'm a take the charge and go to jail to free Rah." I said.

"What why? No offense to Rah but he's been to jail and he's use to it but you've never been locked up before. What am I gonna do without you?" Dana asked getting ready to cry.

I sighed. "But it's a chance for Rah to drop the 6 months and come out sooner. How much time could I get with that charge?" I asked Antonio.

"Did you hit or kill anyone with that gun?" He asked.

"Nah not with that gun." I said.

"Well being that you're a high school graduate that plans on going to college you'll probably get like 2 months." He said.

"I could do two months it won't be that bad right?" I asked.

Gunz and Quan gave me a weak smile. "I think you should visit Rah tomorrow and talk to him about it. Not only that but I think you need to talk to Aaron about the situation to." Dana said.

I nodded my head and dismissed the meeting. I went upstairs to my room and looked at the text messages I had gotten from Malik.

All the stuff you ordered from the club just came in. Come in tomorrow to decorate and we'll open up as soon as possible.

I totally forgot about the club. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. It's like I take one step forward and get pushed twenty steps back.

 It's like I take one step forward and get pushed twenty steps back

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