Everybody Ain't What They Seem

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Molly's POV
Today was our last day to stay at the motel. Dana and I had a girls day out while Rah and Quan had a guys day out. It was fun cause we barely get to hang out like we use to.

We went shopping and we had some food at Shake Shack. Then we went to just walked around and explored around the motel it was good to have my best friend back. Rah and I were sitting down in the room chilling when my trap phone started to ring.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Yes who am I speaking to?" The deep voice said.

"You called my phone. Who am I speaking to?" I replied.

He chuckled.

"You're right. You are talking to Ant." He said.

"Ant?" I replied.

Rah turned around and looked at me. I put it on speaker for him to here.

"Yes. Word is you have been going around taking my work and money and shit. Can't believe that my boys got took down my a girl." He said.

I rolled my eyes. "Yea it's sad." I replied.

"Well why exactly are you robbing me? What do you want cash? Drugs? I could just give it to you if you return my briefcase." He said.

I giggled.

"Return your briefcase? I'm sorry Ant but you aren't getting that back." I replied.

He sighed. "Why exactly are you doing this? What's the point?" He asked.

"You're the biggest drug dealer in the city. You really don't know why I'm robbing yo ass?" I asked.

"It's power isn't it?" He said.

"Ding ding ding we have a winner." I replied.

Rah started to chuckle earning a glare from me.

"How about you work with me and share the power?" He said.

"I work alone Ant and ain't know such thing as sharing power in the trap game. You and I both know that." I replied.

He chuckled again." You're smart. To bad we gotta do this the hard way. I would love to have you working for me." He said.

"To bad Ant. I hope to see you soon." I replied.

"Wait what's your name?" He asked.

"Molly." I replied.

"Molly what?" He said.

"Molly Brazy." After that I hanged up the phone.

I let out a sigh and Rah walked over to me. "You ight?" He asked.

"Yea I'm fine." I replied. "Just wanna sleep." I said.

"Molly it's 9:00". He replied.

I shrugged my shoulders. It's been a long day.
I went to the room and went to my bed.


I woke up to Rah shaking my shoulders.

"What nigga?" I asked.

"Get up and put on yo mask. We got shit to deal with." He said.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"12:39." He replied.

I got up and did what he told me. We walked to the car and Rah was driving. Quan and Dana wasn't in the car.

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