Poor Rah

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One Week Later.

   I was slowly getting better everyday. My leg was still killing me and my doctor told me that it'll go away soon just take it easy. He believes that it's because I keep applying pressure to that leg. After what happened with Ant we collected all of his shit and was able to get 2.8million dollars in drugs, weed, and money. We have to separate it and balance it out right which is what we just leave Dana with.

So word got out that Ant's dead and now things are getting hectic. Since there is no Ant, there is no one in charge and there is no drugs moving and selling, so everyone is just running around like a chicken without a head looking for drugs. So now we gotta expand ourselves all around the city to keep shit from getting more crazy.

Problem two is also the Feds are looking for us. Well, actually they are looking for Ant's killer which is Rah. They don't know he did it but they are looking in to the drug ring so we gotta stay low and move smoothly.

"Yo Molly we out." Rah said.

"Out where?" I asked.

"I got some weed in the car I gotta bring over to a trap house across the city. I just want some company for the long ass ride." He said.

I nodded my head and got off the couch walking towards the door he opened the truck to check for the weed and we started off driving.

"Rah I'm hungry." I said.

"When are you not?" He asked.

I glared at him. "Whatever can we stop at this store right here and buy some food?" I asked.

He nodded his head and pulled over. He handed me a twenty. "Just get me a Arizona and a bag of chips." He said.

I nodded my head and left the car. I walked in the store and picked up 2 bags of chips, 2 Arizonas, and a snickers bar. I paid for it and as I was leaving the store I notice the cops approaching Rah's car.

Oh no no no.

That's when my phone went off.

The cops are approaching. If they search the car and find the weed there's no doubt in my mind that I'm getting locked up. Just stay in the store until they leave. Love you ugly.

Its like as soon as shit starts to get good something bad just has to happen again. I looked out and watch the two cops circle Rah's car. As soon as they reached the truck they opened it up and saw the weed. They closed it and one went to go and radio it in while the others walked over and told Rah to step out with his hands on his head. They pushed him on to the car and put the handcuffs on him.

Rah made eye contact with me and all he did was smile and wink at me.

The cops put him in the cop car and drove off while the other cop stayed with the car. I immediately took out my phone and called Quan.

"Quan Quan Quan Quan." I said.

"Yes Molly. What happened?" He asked.

"They arrested Rah." I said.

"THEY? Who the fuck is they?" He asked.

"The Feds obviously they took him you gotta come to the corner store right there out the the hood." I replied.

"Ight I'm on my way." He said.

I hanged up the phone and saw this white lady looking at me because she herd everything I said. I pulled out my gun and put it to her forehead.

"Tell the cops what you just herd and I swear to god I will torture you in front of your family while they watch in horror." I said.

She nodded her head and I put the gun away making her run off. I sighed and wiped my face.

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