Goodbye Sean

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I woke up the next day to Rashawn waking me.
"Get up you gotta tell pretty boy you can't see him anymore." He said.

"No. Cant this wait till another day?" I asked.

"Nope get up. Can't sleep your problems away." He said.

"I could do a lot of shit you don't know me." I mumbled getting out the bed.

I took a shower and got dress. I walked down the steps but I was still half awake and half sleeping.

"Rah what time is it?" I asked.

"10 o'clock." He said.

"What the fuck why did you wake me up so early for this?" I asked.

"Oh relax it ain't even that early so stop being a baby and lets go." He said.

"But I'm hungry." I replied.

"We can get you something to eat after stop stalling." He said pulling me and walking me over to the car.

When we got in he didn't even ask for an address. "Why do you know where he lives?" I asked.

"I told you. I always do my research baby." He replied.

He seemed happy for some reason. I noticed he was wearing the gold chain I bought him so that was probably the reason why.

"Okay we're here." He said. "Now go and tell him you can't hang with him anymore before I do it for you." He continued.

My eyes popped out my head. "No no no no no we don't need you to do that." I said thinking of scenarios that he would try and tell Sean.

I got out the car and walked over to the house ringing the doorbell. I waited a little and when the door opened I saw Sean and his sister hiding behind him with her cast on her arm.

It's all my fault.

"Hi Molly." They both said at the same time.

"Molly are you here to make cookies again?" Samantha asked.

Aw man this is gonna be harder than I thought.

For some reason I felt something wet coming down my cheek. I touched it and noticed it was me and that I was crying.

"Sammy go back in the living room please." Sean asked his sister.

"Okay." She replied going back to the room.

"What's wrong why you crying?" He asked.

"I can't hang with you anymore." I said.

"W-what why?" He asked.

I started to sniffle. "I rather you not ask questions. Just know it's to protect you and your family, I couldn't live with myself if something happened to y'all." I said.

"But Molly I really really like you and I thought we could of had something real nice." He said.

"I did too but the life I live and the life you live are two different lives. I'm sorry Sean, tell your mother and sister I said goodbye." I replied walking away.

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