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"Alright class, remember essays due next week! Have a good weekend ladies and gents." Mrs. Coy, my English professor annouunces.

Everyone then jumps up and rushes out the room.

I slowly begin to put my things in my bag when I feel someone tug my hair.

"Ow!" I shout turning around to see my best friend Mia standing behind me with big grin.

"Hurry up slow poke, I want to grab something to eat!" She says handing me my text book.

"She just dismissed class relax. There's plenty of time to get food in the world. You act like we'll tragically run out of food." I say rolling my eyes.

She gasps.

"Alexa! Food is not to be joked with." She says adjusting her baseball cap over her dark brown hair.

"Oh dear moon goddess." I say as we make our way out of the classroom.

"So where do you want to go?" I ask as we walk outside to our campus.

I go to Uries University for Werewolves.

Our school was once a safe heaven for our kind back in medieval times, but now its a fully functioning college just for werewolves located in Oregon.

"Lets go to Bob's Stand!" She says a little too excited.

"But you hate shishkabobs?" I say confused.

"Uh, no I dont." She says looking.

"Mia, I'm your bestfriend. You absolutely hate that stand." I laugh.

"Well they have good water." She smirks, "I'll get their potatoe shishkabobs, those are okay."

"Whatever." I say as we walk towards Bob's Stand.

Once we get to the stand, I order a steak, potatoe and pepper kabob, and we sit on the benches while we wait for them to be cooked.

"Girl,I  haven't shifted in a while. Emma is like dying to come out." I say leaning back.

"Maybe tonight she'll come out." Mia says with a smirk.

I give her a look when I feel a tap from behind.

I turn to see Brian from our schools soccer team.

Brian is usually quiet, but he's really good friends with Spencer, my boyfriend of four years.

"Hey Brian what's up?" I ask with a smile as I pull my blonde hair in a messy bun.

Brian doesn't respond but hands me a white rose from behind his back.

"Well thank you Brian, that is very kind of you." I say turning a bit red.

Brian just nods and walks away revealing Tyron, another player on the soccer team.

He as well gives me a rose and walks away with out saying anything.

The pattern repeats two more times with Dylan and Sam.

I'm left with four roses and now I'm confused.

I stand up and look at the guys.

"Okay so why are you giving me these?" I giggle a bit,  turning even more red.

All of sudden they start like snapping in unison, Mia stands on bench with her phone out then the boys like make an opening and my most favorite person (beside Mia, of course)  in the world steps forward with a small bouquet of flowers.

My gorgeous boyfriend, Spencer McClair.

"Yeah, I know, I know, when I compliment her she won’t believe me
And it’s so, it’s so, sad to think that she don’t see what I see
But every time she asks me do I look ok, I say..."

Tears starts to form in my eyes as Spencer sings to me.

A crowd forms around us, and begin to video tape him and the boys doing a little number.

Spencer finishes singing, before engulfing me into his famous bear hugs.

"Happy Anniversary Love!" He says spinning me around.

When he puts me down i punch his arm.

He gives me a confused look.

"You haven't texted me all day! I thought you forgot!" I say with a smirk.

"How could I forget the most important day of my life?" He says grabbing my hand.

Everyone 'aws'.

I'm probably as red as a fire truck right now.

I bury my face into his chest and inhale his heavenly scent.

"Lets go, I made us reservations." He says.

"Girl! Does he have a brother?" I look to see a girl, Rachael from my General Studies looking at me with a smile.

"Actually yes, but he's already mated."

"Darn it!"

We both laugh.

I look back to Spencer.

"Lets go."

As we walk of Spencer wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"We'll stop by my house so we cab get dressed. Everything you need is there." He says kissing my head.

"Where are we going?" I asks smiling like a mad woman.

"Its a Suprise."

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Hello New Readers and Royalties♡

This is my fourth werewolf story, and I'm really excited to share with you guys.

To me, I don't think it's your cliche werewolf, I don't know I maybe wrong depending on How you see it. But this story will be a little different from the ones you read.

I hope you like!


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