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"Alexa." A soft voice whispers in my ear.

"Hmmpf?" I say trying to open my eyes.

"Baby you have to get up, we have training." The voice belings to my sweet Spencer but right now it's not what I want to hear.

"I don't want to go." I whine pulling the blanket over my head.

"I can't give you anymore excuses we skipped the last two." He says rubbing my back.

I groan then push the blankets off of me sitting up.

"Whats the lesson for today?" I ask.

"Defense training, that ass of an alpha is in charge." Spencer says rolling eyes.

Emma growls at Spencer's remark pointed tawrds Lorenzo.

'Stop.' I link to her then she cuts the link.

Little bitch.

"Well this should be fun." I say getting up and walking to my closet.

I grab a pair of leggings and my pink sports bra. I change in front of Spencer, since he's already seen the goods, and I'm comfortable around him then put my hair in a ponytail.

"I'm ready." I say slipping into my sneakers.

"Uh, put a shirt on." Spencer says standing up from my bed.

"Why?" I question. I always where this to training.

"You're showing too much skin." He replies motiining at my stomach and cleavage.

"You don't like?" I tease.

"Oh, I love it, but you're for me to enjoy not those other wolves." He says half playful half serious.

"Since I love you and respect your wishes I will comply but just this once." I say grabbing a tank top.

"Or until Peril leaves." He says with a smile.

"So that's what's this about." I say rolling my eyes.

"Well yes, I don't like the way Lorenzo looks at you. I should only look at you like that." He says.

I don't respond but make my way to the front door.

"You're mine." Spencer growls grabbing me from behind and placing kisses on my neck.

I bump him with my butt before running out door and through the hall.

I heard a loud growl making me laugh.

I love teasing him.

▫  ▫  ▫

"I wonder what were doing today." Mia says looking around the training room.

"I hope to see the Alpha, he's so hot." Our friend Trish says bouncing in her toes.

I'm going to bounce her across this floor in a second. He's ours. Emma growls.

I roll my eyes, but I do feel a bit anxious to see him.


What a beautiful name.

As I'm thinking about Lorenzo, in walks the handsome devil.

Power radiates off him and his group. They walk with their heads held high and smirks, daring one to try them.

"Line up." Lorenzo says making his way to the front.

Everyone scurried fast into lines. Mia, myself and Trish make our way to the second row.

"So today, we will be seeing what skills you do have." Lorenzo says walking with his hands behind his back, scanning everyone.

"Which is none since we're here." Pipes Sicily.

I growl at her disrespect at my pack.

Everyone turns their heads to look at me, and Lorenzo heads towards me.

"Name?" He says with a smirk that could make melt.

"Alexa." I say snapping back.

"Well Alexa, you seem like a firecracker, am I correct?" He asks.

I don't respond, but furry my eyebrows.

"Clear the mats." Lorenzo says loudly keep my gaze.

I go to walk away but Lorenzos words stop me.

"Stay. You're our first volunteer."

I freeze and I feel his presence behind me.

"Show me what you can do mate." He whispers sending shivers down my back.

As much as I wanted to groan at his husky voice, I bite my lip.

I turn around and look as my pack men ever stare at me with worried eyes.

I wouldn't say I'm the best fighter but I'm definitely the most skillful. I have quick reflexes.

"Who am I fighting?" I ask in a duh tone.

"Me." I turn to see Sicily walking towards with a evil grin.

Oh, I'm going to enjoy kicking her ass. Emma chuckles.

I smile at Emma's joke, and Sicilys grin turns into a glare.

"Remember no biting or hair pulling." Lorenzos friend, I believe his name is Briggs shouts making him and his buddies laugh.

I roll my eyes.

"Get ready." Lorenzo says.

We both get into fighting stances staring at each other.

"Keep it fair." Lorenzo says before dropping his hand signaling for us to start.

We circle each other for which seems like forever.

Sicily then drops her arms.

"I'm not going to keep going in circles with this girl. It's obvious she doesn't know how to fight" she says putting a hand on her hip.

That's when I my chance and throw the first punch.

Landing right on the side of her face.

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