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"Dammn!" I hear Briggs shout.

My fist connected hard with Sicily's face making her stumble back.

She then whips her head back to me with glowing eyes.

She charges at me swinging her arms.

I dodge each hit, smirking making her mad.

She then throws her left fist and I block it, than grabbing hold of her I flip her and she lands on her back this a thud.

My feet are then swept from under me and I too land on my back.

Sicily takes the opportunity to straddle me and throw punches at my face and sides.

I block as many blows as I can until I drive my knee up in her back then flipping her over my head.

I jump up and stand over her with my fist raised, she looks at me with fearful eyes.

I smirks and let my hand down.

My pack cheers for me, Trish and Mia run over to me giving me a high five.

I look at Lorenzo through the corners of my eyes.

I can't tell his emotion, since his have turned darker and has an unreadable face.
Just then I feel a pain as my hair is being yanked to the ground.

"Stupid bitch." I hear the voice shout.

"Sicily!" I hear terrifying growl making everything go still.

The hand gripping my hair freezes and so do i.

"Let her go." Lorenzo orders.

The grip on my hair roughly lets go of my hair and the door to the training room opens.

In comes rushing Spencer and Alpha Paul.

"What the hell?" Spencer tells helping me up.

As I'm getting up I look over to Lorenzo who is now standing next to Alpha Paul.

"I don't want to disrespect you because you have given your time to us, but you need to control that girl. Maybe she shouldn't be training if she has bad sportsmanship." Alpha Paul says to Lorenzo.

The whole time Lorenzo is looking at me with angry eyes.

"Agreed." He replies walking over to Sicily.

Spencer then places his hands on my cheeks to look up at him.

"Are you okay?" He asks looking into my eyes.

I nod.

"She's just mad because she knows I won." I with a smirk.

In more ways than one. Emma says with a chuckle.

'You're weird.' I reply to her.

Don't act new. We have a hot Alpha mate, we will always stay winning.

'Cocky much?' I laugh.

I then cut the link and look at Spencer.

"You did great though." Spencer says dropping one hand so it rest on my waist.

"Thanks I learned from the best." I say giving him a wink.

He chuckles and gives me a kiss.

"Briggs take over. I'm leaving."

Spencer and I turn to see Lorenzo slamnthe training door making it rattle.

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"Girl you made that Sicily hoe look so dumb." Mia laughs plopping on the couch beside me.

I shrug. "It's what I do."

She chuckles then faces me.

"I wonder what was wrong with Alpha Lorenzo. He seemed livid after your fight." She says.

"Yeah, I'm curious too." I say honestly.

"Maybe cause you beat his mates ass." She smirks.

I growl at her remark, earning a confused look from her.

"Did I hit a nerve?" She asks, laughing nervously.

"Sorry I was just thinking about something." I say turning back to the tv.

She doesn't even deserve to be known as his mate. She's clearly weak. Emma scoffs.

Can we see him again? She asks.

'I don't know about that.' I reply.

Awh come on. You know you want to. I want to see our mate. He's just so hot. I wonder what his wolf looks like. Probably mouth watering.

'Please stop.' I say closing my eyes resting my head back.

"Is everything good up there?"   Mia asks tapping my forehead.

I nod.

"Emma's just annoying." I say, cutting the link before Emma can speak.

"Wellllll, guess what?" Mia says bouncing on the couch.

"What?" I say obnoxiously.

"I have a date with Andy tonight!" She shouts jumping off the couch.

"From your leadership class?" I shout with a grin.

"Yes! We're going out tonight. I think to a movie but isn't that adorable. The simple old fashion date. Maybe he'll kiss me. I don't know if I'm ready! Oh my moon goddess, I'm rambling I think I really like him!" She say speaking really fast.

I laugh. "Girl you'll be fine. Just act natural."

"Ugh. Now I have to find an outfit. Will you help me?" She asks.

"Duh, of course!" I say playfully pushing her shoulder.

"Remember cute and simple but hot and sexy at the same time." She says winking at me as we walk to her room.

"Oh dear." I say rolling my eyes.

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