Chapter 1. Login

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A year has gone by. And since that day, she hasn't touched a game at all. And since that day, she has been beside her dearest friends, Aoba and Ren. They took her in, accepting her when no one else would. Although, through them, she has met several others, all of which could care less that she is a girl. In fact, they enjoyed having her around. After a few days of being rescued by Aoba, a good friend of his unexpectedly dropped by; Koujaku. She and Koujaku hit it off really well, he even began to do her hair and gave it a much needed haircut, seeing how tending to hair is his specialty. Aside from Koujaku, she also met another friend of Aoba's, Mizuki.

Mizuki is a leader of a gang called Dry Juice and surprisingly enough, Mizuki was quite taken by her and even began to pursue her. About four months later, they began to go out together. Although she isn't officially apart of his gang, she basically is under his protection, no questions asked.

It was another nice day on Midorijima Island in Japan. Everyone was going about their day, greeting one another as they passed by each other. Aoba was working his part time job at a small shop called Junk Shop Mediocrity. The phone rang a couple of time and Aoba, being the one manning the desk, picked up the phone.

"Thanks for calling Junk Shop Mediocrity. How can I help you today?" He paused, "Yeah. Yeah. We've got a bunch of those in stock actually. Would you like to get one from us? Hello? What?  My voice?" Ren perked his ears up and lifted his head. Aoba groaned softly, "That's awfully nice of you to say," Trying to sound nice, "But yeah, we've got those parts you're looking for. The S type. We've actually got a special going right now. You want to place an order? Sounds good. Thank you very much. I just need a credit card number to hold the order for you." He got the number and after saying goodbye, he finally hung up, putting the phone back in its holder.

"Aoba. Let me guess. You got another compliment on your voice?" Ren asked, who was lying on a stool.

"Yeah. Seriously. I don't get what the big deal with my voice is anyway." Aoba leaned back in his seat, enlacing his fingers behind his head.

"It's getting people to place orders. So lighten up, will you?"

"Yeah, I hear what your saying, little buddy.  It just started getting a little weird...when guys said it."

"Weird or not, with more calls, comes more money. And more money means our paycheck is bigger." Came a new voice. Aoba looked back as he heard the door open and then someone came in, holding a box.

"You need help?"

"No, I got it." Following closely was her Allmate, Saki. She walked to the desk and jumped up on it, Aoba leaning forward and stroking her soft black fur.

"You seem to be doing well these last few days."

"Well...I owe it to you and Ren. The day is coming up."

"Oh, yes. It's already been a year, huh?"

"One would think I'd be getting depressed, because of what happened, but I guess I prefer to look at the glass half full, instead of empty, you know? After all, you two changed mine and Saki's lives."

"Indeed. We, quite literally, would be gone if not for you two." Saki spoke up.

"All right, let's not get too ahead of ourselves. Let me know if you need help, Akira." Suddenly, Aoba's watch began to chime a ringtone.

"Aoba. You got mail." Ren stated.

"Right." Aoba clicked his watch to see his mail. The screen popped up, allowing him to see the message. Suddenly, the door opened.

"You're open! Yeah!" A voice suddenly yelled. Akira looked back, just as she saw a kid strike Aoba on the head with a kendo stick. He groaned with pain.

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