Chapter 11. Faith

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Author's Note

Now, this chapter is going to be kind of whacked out. It's kind of like my "Adversity" chapter, where I start out with an episode, but then I turn it over to my own character, but then it'll turn over to being guided by the anime again. Some dialogue from the anime itself will be transferred into the later part of the chapter, (Such as when Mink gives Aoba the jumpstick to put into Ren, that scene will play out later, but there will be alternatives to some dialogue.) Now, this one isn't only about Akira. I'm taking a change of what actually happens in the anime, but I'm going to link it all back together. I'm telling you guys this, so you won't get lost or confused.

Tiny bit of a spoiler here, but basically I'm going to have Akira and Mink go to the Over Tower alone and Aoba will catch up later. I'm reaching the end and I'm trying to extend it out for you guys and give some more focus on Akira again. I'm quite surprised by the amount of people who have looked or read this. I have U.S., Canada, UK, and more! I was very shocked the first time I saw how many people were reading this. I hope you guys are hanging in there with me and enjoying this. And who knows? Maybe I'll add a little sequel to this, which will be strictly fanfiction and I won't use the anime as a guide.

Anyway, thanks everyone and don't hesitate to give me some ideas of specific scenes you would like to see.


Akira slowly opened her eyes as she felt something get placed on her. She looked up, seeing Noiz, as he backed away a little.

"I didn't mean to wake you up." He stated.

"Did I...actually fall asleep?" She asked, rubbing her eyes.

"Yeah. I was going to leave you in here, but..."

"No, it's okay," She looked over to the bed in the room, seeing an unconscious Clear, "How is he?"

"I did what I could, but it's not enough to completely repair him."

"Thank you, Noiz. But, how are you doing, now? You feeling any better?"

"Yeah. After some rest, I'm getting there." Akira smiled and nodded.

"I'm glad." Noiz looked her over and he finally sighed.

"I know this isn't the time for me to be saying things like this, but I have to tell you something. I don't how you'll take it and honestly, I don't care how you do, I just need to say it. I've had a lot of time to think and I've been thinking about me and my feelings quite a bit. Akira...I think I might be in love with you." Akira gasped and widened her eyes, "I don't care if you don't feel the same way, but I needed you to know that." Akira closed her eyes and then she stood up and embraced him.

"I know. I've known for a while. The way you would look at me, how you ask me to sing for you, I've known. But, I don't want to lead you on. I love you, too, Noiz, but not the way you love me. My heart still belongs to Mizuki at this point and it'll take me awhile, before I can move on. I can't just throw aside a year's worth of feelings I've had for one man so easily." Noiz brought his arms up and embraced her back.

"That's okay. I already feel better that I told you. I already knew that you didn't feel the same way, but I needed you to know." Akira nodded and she looked up to him.

"Thank you for understanding..." She brought a hand to his face, "But, I do love you. Just like I love Clear, Koujaku, and Aoba. And you all have taken part of being in my life." Noiz nodded and then the two of them went downstairs, where Aoba had been waiting.

When they got downstairs, he was at the sink, a cup under the running faucet, but he was spacing out, unaware of the water overflowing the cup.

"Hey. Hey!" Noiz called out. Aoba snapped back into reality as Noiz turned the water off, "What are you spacing out about?" Aoba stared at him for a moment, then looked to Akira. He took the pill in his hand, then started drinking the water from the cup.

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