Chapter 13. Dawn

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"Aoba? What's happening?" Akira asked.

"Damn...What's this...feeling now?" Aoba received several glimpses of visions of him and Ren, "Are these...memories of mine? Wait a minute...Aren't these...?" He looked down to his Allmate, "Ren. These are your memories." Ren continued to stare at him with a hostile look, growling, "Why am I seeing that?"

"Aoba?" Akira called out. He looked to her, then to a glass window. Akira followed his line of sight and saw Ren in the glass.

"At this'll see my demise." He said.

"Ren? Are you...inside of me?" Aoba asked.

"Oh, Ren..."Saki whispered. Akira looked down to her Allmate and stroked her fur.

"Your demise, huh? Akira. I need you to hold onto me," Akira came to Aoba and she hugged him from behind, "We're coming. Hang on. I just have to...Scrap myself." Suddenly, the windows shattered and they entered withing Aoba's mind.

When Aoba and Akira opened their eyes, they were in a golden realm with a sand-like ground, a golden sun illuminating the area. Akira looked beside her and saw Saki in her large saber cat form, the one she would take in Rhyme.

"Saki? You're...?"

"I needed to see Ren." She replied. Akira nodded and she grasped a hold of her black fur and the three of them walked toward Ren, who was in his human form, specks of light all around him. Unlike in Rhyme, he didn't have his blue cloak or headdress on. Akira has seen Ren like this before, but it's not very often. He appeared to be very muscular and has multiple black tattoos that range from the sides of his face to his shoulder blades and down his arms. His ears are slightly pointed and they each bear a large ring. He also has tender amber eyes bears sharp canine teeth. Akira and Saki stopped, for this was something Aoba needed to do.

"Ren. You look like hell, man." Aoba stated. Ren suddenly turned on Aoba and came at him, a digital blue-like blade from his arm. Aoba managed to dodge him a little, but Ren still cut him on his arm. Ren gasped.

"Aoba." He said. Aoba held his wounded arm, walking to Ren.

"So, what is it? Is it because of the Trojan?" Ren was silent, "Guess so. I'm sorry. Ren...I wish I had a way of figuring it out, before it got this bad."

"I was always inside of you, Aoba. However, I can no longer exist that way with you." Ren said.

"What are you saying to me?"

"I don't think you know how different you are, Aoba. Reason, desire, and restraint. Id, ego, and super ego are intertwined in most people's minds. However, in your mind, each of these factors is a separate entity. I was the super ego of restrain inside your mind. To keep your passions from ruling you. However, you lost control of your facets and your mind became unstable. I wasn't able to bring your id, your brazen desire, into balance. I could only work effectively inside you, as the restraining super ego should. However, you only lent your ear to desire and started acting simply as you pleased with vicious results. In that, a group of young men came to you and asked you if they could join you. At the time, you had no interest and you told them that if they were really worthy of joining you, they needed to take out the Rhyme player, Shadow Rider. I had seen who Shadow Rider is and I did everything I could to have you reconsider, since Shadow Rider was only a young girl. You, though, didn't listen. Fortunately, she wasn't hurt at this point.  But then, you picked up the body of a discarded Allmate. That moment was my chance. You registered the Allmate and I took that opportunity to merge my consciousness into it circuitry, using the individual recognition chip. I became your Allmate and you became my owner. It was strange at first, but I found that being an Allmate actually gave me a physical manifestation for communicating with you. From then on, I stayed by your side as the Allmate, Ren. But, then...your Morphine friends altered your memories and I forgot I was inside you, after the Rhyme accident. However, the Trojan Horse you put inside me have been what made me remember. It was probably self correction on my part, in the face of another trauma. But, that's not all."

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