Chapter 6. Revelation

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Akira called out to Mizuki several times, but no matter what she did, he didn't respond. And the truth hit her hard. She had another premonition about him, but she couldn't do anything to stop it. Once again, she couldn't save him. Once again, he was gone and she had no idea how she would get him back. Akira let out a soft whimper, choking back tears, and she stroked his hair out of his face. The tears wouldn't stop flowing down. She finally got tired of the pain and she reached back and yanked the blade of of her back. She yelped and flinched, but as she looked to the blade, she saw it was covered in blood, which dripped and seeped onto her hand.

"God...why? Why did this have to happen?" Akira whispered. She tucked her arm under Mizuki and held him close to her. She couldn't bring herself to accept this. No. He's not gone. He's just exhausted from the mind control. With time and help from the hospital, he should wake up. He has to...

For now, Akira needed to rest and she needed to clear her head. She looked over as she heard several footsteps. Mink, Koujaku, Clear, and Noiz had found them. Tae was beside Aoba, who had finally collapsed around the same time Mizuki did. She set Mizuki down on the ground and she reached into her pocket and she pulled out the pendant and put it in his coat pocket. This belonged to him. And it will remain his. She finally stood up and slowly walked to where everyone was. She felt her wound continue to bleed and she was growing weak from losing the amount of blood she has.

"Akira?" Koujaku asked. She looked to him,  tears still staining her cheeks and puffy eyes.

"Miss Akira, you're bleeding." Clear stated. Akira looked down to the ground, seeing her blood as it dripped into making a small puddle by her feet. At this point, she wasn't really caring about her wound. Her soul felt detached from her body and she was rather numb to both physical and emotional pain. And it's not just today. The other day she spent searching for Mizuki was catching up and those premonitions really take a lot out of her, too. She looked over to Mizuki again, and though her face remained expressionless, tears fell. She heard Aoba's voice, but she wasn't really paying any attention to him or the others. She didn't even know why she felt so numb. One would think she would be grieving heavily by this point. Then again, she refused to admit the scenario right now.

Before she knew it, Akira suddenly fell to her knees and then collapsed onto her side, the world going black.

"Akira!" Tae cried.

"Miss Akira!" Clear added.

Akira wasn't sure how long she slept. All she knew was that she was waking back up at the house. She was on one of the couches, staring up at the ceiling. She blinked her eyes a few times, then looked over. Mink was sitting on the couch across from her, a cup in hand. She saw Noiz, Koujaku, and Clear sitting at the table and Tae was at the sink, washing dishes. She slowly started to move, pulling herself to sit up. She let her legs hang back over the side of the couch, before moving forward a little to put her feet on the floor. She looked to her side and saw Saki on the couch beside her. She got up from the couch and walked to the open doorway that led to the kitchen.

"Akira. You're up. Are you doing okay?" Koujaku asked. Akira slowly nodded in response and she looked up to Tae.

"Where's Mizuki?" She asked.

"He and all the others have been laid up in the hospital." Akira nodded and she winced a little as she felt a sharp pain in her back. She couldn't hold the wound, so she grasped her shoulder.

"Is your wound bothering you?" Koujaku asked. Akira slightly shook her head.

"I'll deal." She went toward the front door and sat down, slipping her shoes on. Saki jumped down from the couch and walked to her to accompany her.

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