Chapter 4. Disappearance

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Aoba and Akira went back downstairs, holding their Allmates as they watched a new ad of a place called Platinum Jail, a place where everyone lives in absolute harmony or something. The creator was a man called Toue.

We're welcoming the executive director of the Toue Concern, Mr. Tatsuo Toue to the studio today. We're going to talk about the entertainment center, Platinum Jail, on Midorijima. And we'll try to get some other questions in. The interviewer explained.

Just do me a favor and ask me easy questions. Toue said.

Oh, dear, I wonder what I should start the questions with. The interviewer and Toue laughed.

Well, how about this? I'm more than ready about hitting some of the high points of creating Platinum Jail. I'm really excited about getting this off the ground. The screen switched to showing what Platinum Jail looks like. A well lit city with multiple screens and light all over, people wandering, I've always wanted to give the public the kind of place  that perfectly caters to their pleasures.

And you honestly think you're achieving that?

I believe so. Perfect pleasure, as I call it, begins with an environment that frees them from worry. A worry free life creates peace an joy, leading to healthier minds and bodies. There are a lot of people who claim their happiness is a byproduct of the hardships they faced over time. But, I don't think that's true at all.

"Yeah, whatever. It's not like folks like us from the old town is going to be able to play around in this Platinum Jail he's created." Aoba said.

"This guy is so full of crap." Akira added, "He hides his true meaning behind things like pleasure and peace. But, really, he's taking away free will."

You've hit that right on the head, my dear. Toue continued, Perfect pleasure is the pathway to real happiness. Imagine if we could create environments like that all over. Just think about it. Violence as a concept would disappear forever. Platinum Jail is the first step in what I hope is progress to worldwide peace. Aoba clicked the T.V. off. Aoba groaned.

"Don't you think Platinum Jail is a good idea, Aoba?" Ren asked.

"Not really. If you were to out me on that television show right now,  I would have to say that I actually have a lot of fun living where I am."


"Oh, yeah. Things are just--" He stopped as they heard the door open. Akira turned around and saw Tae coming back inside the house. Aoba and Akira approached her. She seemed...down. She turned around and looked to them.


"What are you doing up? Are you sure you're okay, Grandma?" Aoba asked.

"I...uh...w-went to take some of the trash out." She replied. She took her shoes off.

"You should've asked one of us to take out the trash. You shouldn't push yourself."

"Yeah, yeah. All right, I'm going to bed. Good night." Aoba sighed.

"Good night." He said. Akira looked to Aoba.

"You picked that up too, right?" She asked. He nodded.

Aoba and Akira returned to Aoba's room. Aoba laid on his bed, Akira sat on the floor, leaning against his bed. They were silent, both thinking. Ren lifted his head.

"Aoba. Are you having another headache?" He asked.

"I'm good. Grandma's new medicine seems to be working pretty well on the headaches for now, I guess."

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