Chapter 5. Error

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Akira slowly opened her eyes and her blurred vision gradually came into focus. She tried to move, but her hands were bound behind her back and her ankles had been tied together. She looked up and her eyes were set upon a man, sitting on couch, his legs crossed in a manner that his ankle was resting on his knee. She blinked her eyes several times and finally lifted her head to get a better look at him.

Even sitting, she could tell he was a tall man with a noticeably muscular body. He held an expressionless face with an intimidating demeanor. She curled up a little to show her submission, for she didn't want to step out of line here. He had darker skin, like Mizuki, with long brown hair, fading into a more auburn to a reddish color. His outfit consist of a black shirt and military-like gradient black to red coat with the right sleeve ripped off, exposing his right arm. His hair is styled in dreadlocks and put up in a ponytail. He had native beads along with pink feathers braided in at end of his front locks and a feather in the back. He wears black combat boots that reach just below his kneecaps and torn jeans held up with a white belt. His pink headband is his most notable trait, and it covers his forehead with a green, yellow and red pin tacked on the left bottom side. Around his wrists and neck are what appear to be shackles, the one around his neck bearing a lock and the ones on his wrists having short chains attached to them.

He didn't seem to acknowledge her, but she followed his line of sight and saw that he was staring at Aoba, who remained unconscious.

"So, you finally woke up," A deep voice spoke. She looked back to the man. Now that she thinks about it, this is the same guy that she and Aoba bumped into the other day and he rode off on that motorcycle. She wanted to speak, ask where she was an what he wanted, but she feared she might say the wrong thing.

"Wha--?" She whimpered, but she got too scared to speak anymore. She heard Aoba let out a groan. She looked to him and her eyes widened as she saw him open his eyes. He took notice to the tall man and suddenly, he gasped and started struggling. Akira looked back to the tall man as he brought a long, thick pipe to his mouth, then exhaled to blow the smoke out. Akira turned her attention back to Aoba, seeing him grit his teeth.

"Where's my grandma?! What did you do with her?! Say something!" Aoba demanded. Akira sighed. Now was not the time for him to be acting like this. She flinched as she heard the man stand up. He walked to Aoba and then knelt down beside him. He reached for him and then grabbed his hair. Aoba groaned with pain. Akira gasped.

"No, please!" She begged.

"I don't think you fully understand the situation you're currently in," He stated. Aoba hissed with pain and the man released his hair. Akira tried to move to get up, but she stopped as she heard the men surrounding them start to laugh.

"What do we do, boss?" One of the guys asked.

"Teach him." The man said. Akira gasped as she watched the guys surround Aoba. Two of the guys yanked Aoba to his feet and the beatings began. Akira gasped and she tugged and pulled on her binds to get free.

It wasn't long until Aoba was looking worse for wear. And the entire time, Akira struggled to get free to aid him.

"What's wrong, boy? We've only just started!" One of the guys yelled.

"Stop it!" Aoba begged. They continued their beating and finally stopped for a moment. Aoba panted.

"The main man tells us to beat your ass, then you're getting your ass beat!" Another guy spoke up, before delivering a punch to Aoba's stomach. Akira clenched her hands, doing anything she could to get free. She tried to slide her arms under her legs, but she had been tied in a manner that she couldn't get free. As she looked around, she realized that on the walls and floor was the tag art of this gang; Scratch. She had heard of Scratch before. A relentless gang of criminals, but they didn't seem to cause too much trouble around. Which meant...this guy that was watching everything, he must've been the leader. Aoba continued to ask where Tae was, but each time he spoke, he was struck and the leader gave no indication that he was going to have his guys stop.

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