Seeing a Beauty

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(Tarzan's pov)

After i saved my family from the Sabor, i tried to give it to Kerchak and for the first time in my life, i thought i was going to get praise from Kerchak, it was stopped by a strange noise that filled the jungle.

We all look towards the noise, trying to figure out what it is.

Kerchak put on his famous serious face and started walking away from the noise.

"Everyone lets go" Kerchak demands, walking towards safety.

As everyone was walking away from it, it did it happened and made everyone jump and move faster.

Ignoring Kerchak's order,i went towards the strange noise, making sure no one saw me.

After a bit, it lead me to the bamboo forest But instead of the normal bamboo forest, it had a passage way going though it, so big that elephants could stomp though it with no harm.

Making sure that nothing was around to harm me I got closer to the weird track.

when i was looking i found strange tracks leading though the the pass way, a strange object shined from the rays of the the fire ball in the sky.

i brought the object close to my face and sniffed it, when that didn't really helped me i licked it, it was not a good idea.

*Gunshot noise*

i jumped at the noise, I ran up a fat tree near by and looked above the bamboo forest and saw tress moving like they were trying to uproot them self's and walk.

i couldn't see who or what was doing it but I heard footsteps coming closer, i hid behind the fat trunk of the tree.

I saw a dark shadow of something holding two objects, one of the objects was cutting the bamboo and the other he was holding onto doing nothing with it, the strange animal stopped and looked my way.

I jumped down and hid behind some scrubs, curiosity Burning in me, I went to get closer but.

*Gun shot*

The strange animal made the strange noise, it was really loud and made me go lower to the ground.

The animal cut the bamboo that was covered it, it repealed that it looked like me..

the animal was holding the thing, he was holding before, that made the strange noise, pointing it my way.

He put the strange noise thingy down when another animal that was like me and him, come over asking him questions about what he was looking for and that.

"I thought i saw something" animal 1 said looking up to the tree tops.

"A hippopotamus?, a *something i can't smell* ?, a Rhinoceros?,a-"

"Professor don't move!"

"O-oh right" animal 2 named the Professor said, standing frozen with his arms in the air and one leg in the air.

"Daddy?-ow ow ow" another animal that looked like me but a little different muttered, coming out of the bamboo the wasn't cut by animal 1.

"daddy what is all this hullabaloo about?"it questioned, letting go of the bamboo she was holding back with her hands, it come flying back at her making her fly forwards.

"Professor" didn't seem to see or hear her and stayed in his position.

she got up though and walked towards "Daddy"

"What is it" she whispered, holding onto his shoulder for support.

"Sh Sh Mr Clayton said to me not to move, saw something" Professor said moving his body a little.

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