Seeing the Gorillas

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(Thank you     @pearlonedirection  and everyone else for getting me off my butt and making this Chapter!!! Oh and sorry if it sucks!!)


(Y/N'S Pov)

Some how Tarzan got us to go see the gorillas.

We are walking through the Jungle with me in the front and Tarzan following behind, we came across some logs on our way, Tarzan easily walked over them but me, not so much.

Seeing me struggle, Tarzan came back and helped me walk over by holding my hand, his hands were so warm they made me blush hard, he continued to hold my hands I let him be because i didn't want to hurt his feelings again.

I turn around to see Jane having trouble walking over them too, just seeing her wobbling like a penguin made me chuckle, I left Tarzan's warm hands to help Jane, I picked her up as you would with a child, at the end I plopped her back on steady ground, she looked up at me while brushing dirt off her to give me a glare.

"Hey stop glaring at me,you looked like you needed help"I told her shrugging my shoulders and looking to the side.

"Well thanks to your help but you didn't have to pick me up like a kid, i know your taller than me so you can stop bragging about it"She said in a winy voice, looking up and pouting at me.

"*Chuckle* i know"I told her patting her head and walking back over to Tarzan but not before walking past the Professor spinning in circles like a dog chasing his tail looking to the sky.

But as i was walking past Goblin i saw him smirking at the jungle around us making me stop in front of him making him stare at me.

"What do you have planed you retarded Goblin?"I asked him standing on my toes making me come faced to faced to him.

We stare at each other until he smirks at me standing back and walked around me but stops to stand next to me to give me a side way glance smirk at me.

"You will see"And after that he walks away from a fuming me.

"Y/n OK?"Tarzan said coming over to me after helping the Professor and Jane over the log,He grabbed my hand rubbing his thumb on the back of my hand looking at me in the eye waiting for my answer.

"Yeah i'm OK Tarzan"I told him looking at him with a smile with my red cheeks on like headlights.

"Good"That is all he said as he dragged me to the rest who were waiting for us.

(Time skip to when we get there)

Tarzan climbed over the hill first helping me climb over then everyone else.

As we were looking around, i saw a girl gorilla looking at us with fear in her eyes.

"Oh daddy look!"Jane nudge the Professor making him look at the girl gorilla.

"Jane"Professor said breathless looking at the girl gorilla trying to calm his excitement as not scare her.

"Careful Professor"Goblin said making me glare at him to shut up.

As we stood there in front of the gorilla she looked more frighted as before.

i stood next to Tarzan with a small smile on my face looking at the gorilla and the group (But glaring at Goblin of course)

"She's Beautiful Tarzan"I said to the gorilla and Tarzan with a small smile, and in the corner of my eyes i saw the Professor and Jane nod.

"She's my mother"Tarzan said to me smiling, he placed his hands on his chest and leaning over to his Mother.

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