And now there is a elephant in the roof great

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(Reader's Pov)

I wake up with my head hurting like there was a rhino in there bumping around.

When I stopped focusing on my head, I heard banding followed my grunts and yells around me.

I sit up, getting off the crusty floor, but I must have done it to fast because my head started spinning and the rhino started banging harder against my head.

I groan in discomfort closing my eyes tightly, I hear a series of gasps before a weight was thrown on me, I open my eyes against their will seeing Jane hugging the life out of me while crying.

I look around to find us at the bottom of the ship, with metal walls, pipes running everywhere.

I found the professor, the captain of our ship and two of his men sitting in a kind of huddle in the semi middle of the room looking at me and I found Tarzan against one of the metal walls looking at me with concern, madness and a another emotion I could not name.

I look down to Jane who was still hugging and crying on me, I gently rub her back before speaking in a scratchy odd voice.

"Where are we? are u guys all alright and where's goblin?"

Jane looks up at me with tears still running down her face; I take her face in my hands and rub the tears away making her smile at me a little.

Ever since I meet Jane, I was kind of the mother to her when I found out that he has died, I beat up anyone who hurt her and comforted her when I could.

"We are alright just a few scratches and bruises but the reason we are down here is because once we got onto the ship these men attacked us and tied us up and chucked us down here"

Jane shakily responded, with her little hands shaking and her eyes moving around everywhere.

I rubbed her back again before asking in a soft yet firm voice.

"Who were the boss of the men? Did u find out?"

She hesitated before she dropped the bomb.

"Yes, before we were thrown in here, we saw clayton coming towards us with a twisted smile, he told us that he was using us and that we were worth nothing to him now, so then we ended up here"

There was silence for a while

I gentle pushed Jane off me and stood up.

I tried to walk straight but I had a slight limp.

I walked over to a metal wall before I started punching it.

"No (Reader) STOP! "Jane screamed out and started running over to me but before she could,

Tarzan grabbed my bleeding fists and brought them up to his face.

I stared at him confused but that turned to shock quickly.

Tarzan kissed every bleeding knuckles and when he finished with both hands, he looked up at me and smiled.

"(Reader) does not need to hurt self" at his words, I blushed pink and looked away while taking my hands back.

"Thanks Tarzan it's just I am so mad! In addition, scared "I finished my words with a whisper hoping no one would hear.

However, Tarzan heard it loud and clear.

He got the madness back in his eyes and started banging against the walls again.

I backed off a little but stood still.

When Tarzan did not give up, I shouted at him to stop.

He jumped down from the roof (if u would call it that) and jumped to the floor.

I walked towards him, to try to comfort him but he grunted at me making me back off a little.

"Clayton "It was one simple word but when Tarzan said it, it had so much hate and sadness in it that is over power the simple part.

"Yes, Goblin betrayed us all, I am so sorry Tarzan I wish I would have punched him in the face and sent him back sooner "I said to him bending down in front of him.

"No I did this, I betrayed my family augh Kerchak was right," he said sadly.

"Oh those magnificent creatures "Jane said with a sigh looking off to the corner.

"Shivering in cages what is this world coming to! "The professor finished his sentence with a bang on the metal wall.

However, right at the moment, the ship dipped to that side.

Making all of us, squish against the wall with Tarzan catching me and me catching Jane.

I look back at Tarzan and he looked at me, I was going to ask him what happened but the professor showing his flappy muscles and saying the line "oh I don't know my own strength" separated us

As the ship settled out suddenly, the waves pushed us to one side and squished to the other side of the ship.

"What was that? "Jane questioned looking at me; I just shrugged and looked at Tarzan who just did the same.

We heard I elephants tot being blowed into the air, I look towards the professor to ask if he heard what I heard but before I could speak.

A big elephant's foot came crushing through the roof right on to. Barely touching the professor.

"That sounded just like an elephant's, "the professor said looking over to us.

I tried SO HARD! Not to laugh but I could not keep it in.

"Tantor "Tarzan said excitedly looking up.

I looked up and found an elephants stuck in the roof.

The elephant hauled up Tarzan.

I was hurled up to only to find Tarzan being hugged to death by a monkey.

"Well did I walk into a moment? "When I said that the monkey pushed Tarzan away and started walking towards me but were pulled to the elephant.

As that happened I looked towards Tarzan to find him right in my face

"Tarzan? What-"I was cut short by Tarzan kissing me.

However, before I could kiss back he pulled away gave me a smile and jumped into the ocean.




Wow, he is surprising a good kisser.

Wild love (Tarzan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now