Troye III

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The next few days were spent mostly with me adjusting back to reality. Since I'd gotten back on a Friday, we had the whole weekend together before Connor had to return to work on Monday. While he was at work, I spent time with Aiden, re-connecting with him.  He didn't seem to mind that he no longer got to spend as much time with his friends.

Today was Friday again, meaning I'd been home for a whole week. Currently, I was sitting in my studio, going through a massive pile of fan mail while Aiden watched The Lion King in the living room.

"Daddy!" I had to smile as I heard Aiden call for me. It was another thing I'd missed while on tour. His little voice was so cute and I loved hearing it.

"What's up?" I asked, heading out to where he was curled up with Sadie.

"Can we bake cookies? Please? Papa let me make cookies."

"Did he now?" I glanced at the TV and saw that there was about half an hour left of the movie. "I just have to finish something in my studio and then we can, okay? You finish the movie."

"Okay." He was happy again and settled back down in the sofa. I headed back into the studio, fully intending to finish going through my mail.

But it didn't happen. I caught sight of the folder containing everything to do with Aiden's adoption. It made my mind go back to the conversation in the park on Saturday. We'd never actually come to an answer, getting distracted by Aiden's accident. 

I wondered if Connor had given any more thought to the idea of adopting again. I knew we both wanted more kids and we have an extra room at the moment. My thoughts were so focused on that conversation, that I almost forgot about my promise to Aiden, at least until he knocked quietly on the door.

"Daddy? The movie is finished. Can we make cookies now?"

"Sure." I said, pushing away the thoughts and making a mental note to bring up the subject again with Connor. "What kind of cookies do you want to make?"


"Con?" I was lying half on top of Connor later that night, after Aiden had gone to bed. Some sort of talent show was playing on the TV but I wasn't really watching. Connor was absently scrolling through his phone but looked up when I spoke.


"We never finished our conversation the other day. About adopting again."

"We didn't."

"Have you given it any more thought?"

"Some." His answers were short and to the point. It was scaring me.


"Troye, you know I want to have a big family. It's just that now isn't the same as when we decided to get Aiden."

"What are you talking about?"

"I mean, it's not just us who's going to be affected by a new kid running around. We have to make sure Aiden is okay with it too."

"Oh. Of course." I smiled. "Is that all that's holding you back?" He thought for a moment, furrowing his brow.

"Yeah. I think it is." I grinned and kissed his cheek.

"Have I told you lately how much I love you?"

"Mm...about half an hour ago. But you can tell me again if you'd like." He laughed, tossing his phone to the side and pulling me closer.

"I love you so much, Connor." I pressed gentle kisses along his jawline as I spoke.

"I love you more." He replied. Laughing, I pushed him down onto the sofa and lay myself on top of him.

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