Connor VI

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The flight back to New York was uneventful compared to the flight to Miami. Tori slept the whole time and Aiden quietly flipped through a picture book he'd been given as a thank-you from Joe and Trina. Even Troye fell asleep at one point, his head resting on my shoulder.

By the time we got back to our apartment, we were all ready for bed. It had been a long four days in Miami and we were exhausted. While Troye put Tori into her room, I went into Aiden's room to help him get ready for bed.

"I want you to try and sleep in tomorrow morning, okay? We've had a long few days and I know you're tired." I said to him as I tucked him in.

"Yes papa." He yawned through his answer and I laughed, kissing his forehead.

"Goodnight, Aiden. Sleep tight."

"G'night papa." He mumbled. I turned off the light and closed the door quietly, crossing the apartment to find Troye in our room. He was fast asleep on our bed, Tori lying beside him as he wrapped a protective arm around her. Smiling, I gently picked up our sleeping daughter, being careful not to wake either of them and took her into her room.

Back in our room, I quickly changed into my pajamas and crawled into bed beside Troye. He muttered something in his sleep and rolled over towards me, his arms instinctively wrapping around my waist. 

"Goodnight, babe." I whispered against his temple as I kissed him, falling asleep soon after.


The next morning, I woke to an empty bed and a silent apartment. I strained to hear any sounds of movement but could hear none Frowning, I threw off the bed covers and went out into the living room in search of my family. Again, I found nobody.

I decided to check Aiden's room first, thinking he'd most likely be awake. Pushing open the door, it didn't take me long to spot him lying curled up in his bed, still fast asleep. I closed the door again, this time heading over to Tori's room. Like Aiden, she was still asleep too, spread out like a star-fish on her back. Just Troye seemed to have vanished.

I didn't want to call out to him, for fear of waking up the kids so I quietly continued my search of the apartment, checking the studio and our private balcony patio. But he was no-where to be found. I was about to try calling him when I heard a groan coming from our bathroom. Hurrying over, I opened the door to find him curled into a ball on the floor.

"Troye!" I said, rushing to his side. "Troye, what's wrong?" He felt hot to the touch but he was shivering violently.

"C-con, I d-don't f-feel g-good." He stuttered out, clutching at my hand.

"Have you been sick?" I asked but he shook his head.

"N-no. M-my stomach h-hurts, though." His hand flew to his mouth as he finished talking and he gagged but didn't throw up.

"Okay, I think we should get you to the hospital." I decided, going to stand up but he held me down.

"C-can't w-walk."

"That's okay. I can carry you."

"B-but th-the k-kids..." As he spoke, my mind made the same connection and I realised he was right. I couldn't leave the kids behind. I thought quickly, trying to figure out what to do.

"Stay here. I'll go and see if Mrs Hargreaves from downstairs can watch them. Otherwise I'll call an ambulance." He didn't say anything but nodded and laid his head down on the tiled floor again. I ran through the apartment, throwing myself into the elevator. 

It seemed to take forever for the elevator to go down the three floors to our neighbour's floor and I tapped my foot impatiently against the carpet. Finally the bell dinged and I ran down the hallway to the door of the apartment I wanted. I rang the doorbell and hopped from foot to foot while I waited for someone to answer.

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